File Rename online help is USELESS

A closed post on the subject of "File Rename" was WORTHLESS for me using the current "Quicken Classic" that was pushed to my computer recently.
Such a SIMPLE operation made so VERY DIFFICULT with no "file → rename" function within the program. It took me 3 hours of trial and error to get my Quicken program to open this year's 2022.QDF file I tried to rename 2023.QDF! Then!
24 hours to reauthorize ALL the bank accounts' access!! I kept getting an error telling me the 2022.QDF file was in use by another program - It was NOT. I had to go back to a saved prior backup a few days old to FINALLY get Quicken to open and read this file. This was not easy, it took several attempts. Then!
I had to reauthorize ALL my bank accounts' access, which for the first 24 hours I kept getting an error message telling me the "Quicken Servers" were down and try back in a FEW HOURS. Ten! 24 hours later I was live with chat help getting the Quicken Servers" back online.
I had to down all my transactions AGAIN to be current, THEN!
Had to reconcile all my accounts with DUPLICATE entries!!
Such a SIMPLE operation made so VERY DIFFICULT with no "FILE → RENAME" function WITHIN the program.
I started to think about a replacement competitor's program!!
(During my online chat to try and get my BRICKED Quicken Classic program working again, the tech said the lack of an internal "Rename" function would be stated.
I will say one thing about this, be sure you understand the ramification of renaming a data file.
Every data file is linked to online information (the Quicken Cloud dataset). There is a unique Id in every data file that allows them to know what Quicken Cloud dataset it is connected to.
If you are using Windows File Explorer to rename your data file, the unique Id doesn't change, and that new renamed data file should be considered the same data file as the old one. You shouldn't think that you have two separate data files.
If you need a completely separate data file, you need to use Quicken's copy function which will give the copy a new unique Id and will also disconnect all online services. That is the only way it can ensure that there isn't any connections back to the old data file.
File → Copy or Backup File → Create a copy or template
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