Stocks dont show update arrows but do actually update

Rick Pula
Rick Pula Member ✭✭
edited January 9 in Investing (Windows)

A new problem for me started recently. I click the "update" prompt in my portfolio and then select "quotes". Quotes will run. However the same stocks will not show the green or red arrows indicating the change. They are the same stocks every day. Thinking they were not updating I started to look up the day's stock price. To my surprise, the stocks actually update but fail to show the green/red arrow indicators. By chance today I went back to previous days in quicken just to see if the dollars changed from day to day. What I found is that all the stocks showed the appropriate green/red arrows. So it appears that if I download quoted today, not all will show, but if I were to wait till tomorrow and look back a day, I would then see the appropriate arrows. Anyone else having the issue and is there a resolution? or does quicken support even know this is happening


  • mjxm
    mjxm Member ✭✭✭

    Some of my holdings update correctly, others don't, and some have the correct updated price but the date is from the day before. Validating doesn't seem to help and using "correct price history" tells me that there is nothing wrong with prices.

  • rattytom
    rattytom Member ✭✭

    I update daily. For the past week (since 12/4/23), nearly all of my stock holdings continue to show the correct price history, but the result is not reflected in columns Day Gain/Loss and Price Day Change.

    A few of my stock holdings continue to show the correct figures for those columns, as ALL stocks did through Friday 12/1/23.

    All holding values are correct, since the price history reflects the correct price from daily updates. Just the change columns are messed up.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    There is a longstanding issue with the Investing > Portfolio views where the Price Day Change for some securities is shown as zero when it should not be. In that case, forcing the view to recalculate by setting the As of date to the previous day then back to the current date fixes the problem until you restart Quicken.

    Quicken acknowledged that issue in 2019 as CTP-346

    Is this what you are seeing?

    QWin Premier subscription
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