Classic Widgets

JoelC Member ✭✭✭✭

I have been digging into the classic widgets lately and have a few questions:

i) I have created different / new custom views. Is it possible to re-order the views as I can not figure out how?

ii) I have created different / new custom views. Is it possible to duplicate the views as I can not figure out how? This is of interest as I have multiple companies to track and would like to duplicate teh view I created for company 1 to use it as the basis for company 2 (i.e., 1 view for each company)?

iii) Is it possible to get similar widgets for business investment accounts that exists for personal investment accounts (i.e., similar ability to select accounts which currently does not exists)?

Thank you.


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    i) No, they are displayed in the order that they were created.

    ii) No.

    iii) I don't have Home & Business and can't answer this. I don't know why business accounts would be handled any different than personal ones.

    This is my website:
  • JoelC
    JoelC Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Chris_QPW , appreciate the response noting this is what I feared would be the case!

    Thank you!

  • mshiggins
    mshiggins SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    "Is it possible to get similar widgets for business investment accounts that exists for personal investment accounts ... ?"   No. 

    I think your best bet is to not designate any investment accounts as "business" accounts. 

    I don't see any meaningful benefit to doing so, and doing so does eliminate some useful capabilities, as you have experienced. 

    Just give the business investment account names an easy to recognize prefix, such as "Biz" for example; then it will be easy to select them for "business" reports/widgets and easy to deselect them for non-business reports/widgets.

    [I think Quicken could provide one helpful improvement (among many) to its Customize dialogs by adding a "Matching" option to the Accounts tab (a Matching option that works like the Matching options for Categories, Tags, Memos, Payees and Securities). That would make it easy to select all accounts with a prefix of "biz", for example.]


    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • JoelC
    JoelC Member ✭✭✭✭

    @mshiggins appreciate the response.

    It is unfortunate that one cannot get similar widgets for business investment accounts that exists for personal investment accounts.

    I will give the workarounds you suggest a try noting "matching option" is a good idea especially since Tags cannot be used in investment accounts!

    Thank you.


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