Can't Set Account Intent RETIRMENT for IRAs

CalvinHobbes33 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I have set up auto download with brokerage with non retirement and retirement account and I set the account type appropriately.:

Roth IRA

Traditional IRA

Account Type: Brokerage (for none retirement) appears to have be an auto set.

It GROUPS all the accounts under INVESTING.

Under display options for Account Type: Brokerage I can choose Account Intent (set to Investment/Personal)

Under display options for IRAs, there is no Account Intent options.

How can I move my IRAs to a GROUP called RETIRMENT?


  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    The Intent does nothing to affect the account itself. It simply is used to show how/where it is displayed in the Account Side Bar and in Account List.

    Retirement accounts like Roth IRAs, IRAs, 401Ks, etc., are grouped as Retirement accounts by default because the Intent of retirement accounts is always "retirement". Because of this there is no other Account Intent on Display Option tab available. They should be grouped as such with other Retirement accounts in the Accounts Side Bar and in Accounts List by default.

    The Intent of other types of investment accounts can be set to Investment (which is the default) or it can be manually set to Retirement if your intent is to use the account to support your retirement.

    That all being said, both Investment Intent accounts and Retirement Intent accounts are both shown in the Accounts Side Bar under Investing because that is what they all are….Investing Accounts. But the Investment Intent accounts will be displayed at the top of Investing while the Retirement Intent accounts will be displayed at the bottom of Investing as shown here…note the fine dividing line separating Investment Intent and Retirement Intent groups.:

    In Account List the differentiation under Investments is much more obvious:

    Your investing accounts are not grouped like this?

    If not, go to the General tab of Account Details and if "Tax Deferred" shows "No", change it to "Yes". Also, double check to make sure the correct Account Type is selected from the drop-down. The General tab for all types of retirement accounts should look something like this.:

    Did this answer your question or resolve the issue you are seeing?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

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