Budget Categories - Transfers

CH8 Member ✭✭

I have a budget where I include transfers to certain accounts. From my Planning tab, looking at a monthly budget, I can see total income, total spend, and the accounts that I want to see transfers from (i.e. $100 to Acct #1, $300 to Acct #2, 500 to Acct #3, etc) is shown in the budget bar graphs, and "counts" against the monthly budget. I manage this through the Budget Categories options.

When I go to Budget Reports (Budget Actions —> Budget Reports —> Current Budget) I get shown Budget categories, including Actual, Budget, and Difference, but the transfer categories I want do not show up in this report.

Is there a way to get these transfer categories to show up in the budget report? Or a way to make a custom report that includes these transfer categories?

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