MAC Quicken Keyboard Shortcut Printable Sheet

I've been a Windows Quicken user for over 25 years. Last week I switched to a Mac. I cannot find a printable list of Mac commands for Quicken. There has to be one. Where is it? Thank you.
- Go to Quicken's online help (Help > Quicken Help)
- Under Quicken for Mac Help, near the bottom of the first column, select "Keyboard Shortcuts"
- You can Print this page. (If you select about 90%, it fits on 3 pages. If your eyesight is good, you can get it onto two pages at about 62%!)
I'm pretty certain this isn't a 100% complete list of keyboard shortcuts, but it's a reasonably comprehensive start. 😁
(Shortcut to the keyboard shortcuts:
)Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
The Quicken Help site is certainly no replacement for the detailed user manuals we used to get with software many years ago, but there actually is a lot of useful information on the Help pages. It's a good first resource for anyone to check when you have questions about a feature in Quicken Mac.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Thank you all. I printed out the sheet recommended from Quicken Help and it works fine. I'm still a little surprised that a MacQuicken Keyboard Cheat Sheet doesn't exist as a "clean" printout. But again … this works fine.