Remove old datasets showing in Quicken Web

sfaulk4 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I want to ensure none of my financial data is stored in quicken cloud ( I'm using Quicken Mac and have been able for two .qdf files to sync, then uncheck all accounts, and turn off sync. When I go back to, those two data sets show no account information correctly.

However — When I click on Profile, See All Finances, I see 10 other data sets. These correspond to old .qdf files used when I was testing archiving (on quicken windows), and when I was starting to migrate over to quicken Mac. I've never had sync turned on so have no way to explain why some of these extra data sets show account names and balances even though the right-side pane says "it looks like you have not synced your accounts yet." What's interesting is that some of the datasets have account data and others don't.

I've been in both quicken Mac and Windows under connected services and when I use the link to see all cloud accounts, I only see my two current data sets … the other 10 data sets shown on the web are not shown in the list of accounts so it appears there is no way to remove those from quicken web.

How can these extra data sets appearing on quicken web be removed if I can't see them under connected services? It doesn't make sense that I can't get them removed from either the desktop version or from quicken web itself.

Any ideas? Thanks for feedback

Best Answers

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I assume this was all done using the same Quicken Id, right?

    The three things that I know that connect data files to Quicken Cloud datasets is: whether you are using Quicken Windows or Quicken Mac, the Quicken Id, and a unique Id in each data file. "Sync to Mobile/Web" isn't required for a Quicken Cloud dataset to be created. Every data file has a Quicken Cloud dataset associated with it. What varies depending on the service you enable is what is inside of a given Quicken Cloud dataset.

    What's more every time you do a restore, they create another Quicken Cloud dataset and "orphan" the old one (but this one is supposed to be hidden). But this might explain where these datasets have come from. For "legal reasons" Quicken Inc can't remove the old datasets without direct permission from the user.

    The are numerous Quicken Windows threads where people have done a lot of restores and have run into an error that says they have run out of datasets (there is a limited number allowed), and they have to contact Quicken Support to get them removed.

    I guess that is what will be needed in your case:

    This is my website:
  • sfaulk4
    sfaulk4 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    thanks Chris —- guess I’ll have to try and contact support to see if they can help.


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I assume this was all done using the same Quicken Id, right?

    The three things that I know that connect data files to Quicken Cloud datasets is: whether you are using Quicken Windows or Quicken Mac, the Quicken Id, and a unique Id in each data file. "Sync to Mobile/Web" isn't required for a Quicken Cloud dataset to be created. Every data file has a Quicken Cloud dataset associated with it. What varies depending on the service you enable is what is inside of a given Quicken Cloud dataset.

    What's more every time you do a restore, they create another Quicken Cloud dataset and "orphan" the old one (but this one is supposed to be hidden). But this might explain where these datasets have come from. For "legal reasons" Quicken Inc can't remove the old datasets without direct permission from the user.

    The are numerous Quicken Windows threads where people have done a lot of restores and have run into an error that says they have run out of datasets (there is a limited number allowed), and they have to contact Quicken Support to get them removed.

    I guess that is what will be needed in your case:

    This is my website:
  • sfaulk4
    sfaulk4 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    thanks Chris —- guess I’ll have to try and contact support to see if they can help.

  • Chrome.n.Steel
    Chrome.n.Steel Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    You can manage your data sets from within Quicken Classic on your PC.

  • DoctorBrown
    DoctorBrown Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    I have been struggling with Exceeded Maximum Dataset for a week now. Today, I was on the phone with a Quicken support supervisor for almost a hour. He seemed aware of the issue with too many datasets and helped me delete the old ones from Quicken Preferences. At the time my issue seemed solved, I could use my current data file with no error. But when I tried to open a data file I'd saved in 2010 (the file modified data was 5/18/2010) I got the Exceeded Maximum Datasets message!! If I open the file on a VM with networking disabled, no message! So even though I've deleted all the data sets, Quicken online still knows about all the file sets I've opened.

    To me this is just completely wrong. When I delete the dataset as instructed the dataset name AND data should be truly GONE. What the hell is going on? How can we as users control our own data? How am I supposed to recover from this with out involving Quicken support? Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow in case there is some data base update that has to occur on Quicken servers (I'm grasping at straws at this point).

    BTW, I was accessing this very old QDF file because I recently discovered that in 2021 Quicken trashed my data for the years 2000 to 2009. So I had opened the file a few days ago. I am attempting a back-assword way to merge the data from the old file with my current. Quicken has no documented reliable way to do that.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    When it comes to the error with maximum datasets there really isn't anything that the user can do.

    I have encountered it when opening very old data files, and well I never got them fixed, I was only opening them because I was going to do some testing, and so I just dropped it.

    But looking what you just said "But when I tried to open a data file I'd saved in 2010" I have something for that.

    That means the newest possible version of Quicken you were using was Quicken 2010. Well, Quicken 2013 is the last version that didn't have a Quicken Id/dataset.

    You can install Quicken Windows Deluxe 2013 US from this link (only one version of Quicken can be installed at a time):

    This is my website:
  • DoctorBrown
    DoctorBrown Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    When it comes to the error with maximum datasets there really isn't anything that the user can do.

    I can somewhat see the 'logic' on the limit on datasets. But in some situations like the ones we are encountering, they should be able to purge the list of datasets or at least purge enough to give us some leeway. Because I'm not done with what I'm trying to accomplish and I'm sure there are other datasets and backups I've opened that are impacted by this. It appears, based only on what I've experienced, that they need (or chose) to remove each dataset from the list of datasets one by one.

    You can install Quicken Windows Deluxe 2013 US from this link (only one version of Quicken can be installed at a time):

    Thank you for pointing me to the past versions! Since you can only install one version at a time, what would I have to go through if I didn't have a VM to install the old version on. 1) Uninstall my current version and install the old version, 2) manipulate the old file as needed, 3) uninstall the old and reinstall the new. 4) attempt my merge operations. And if it doesn't work, rinse and repeat, repeat, repeat….

    Maybe I'm not seeing something, which is entirely possible. In any case, I find this situation unacceptable.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    The thing is about saying "unacceptable" is that it doesn't change what is possible or not possible. Unless someone knows more than I do, those are your choices.

    This is my website:
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