Rental properties managmenmt tab for Mac users

Why Mac users don´t have the rental properties tab??, why this is not clear on the web page when upgrading from Classic to Business and price is the same as for Windows users with all functionalities?
Why Mac users don´t have the rental properties tab?
Why is because they just released the first iteration of business features for Quicken Mac, and they haven't yet built all the business functionality from the Windows version.
The Quicken Mac team released what they had complete, and for some people, this is helpful in its current form. For other people, it won't be useful until they add more functionality. The alternative was to release nothing for another 6 or 9 or 12 months until there were more features ready. So their approach is to release a first iteration, help those people for whom the current features are helpful, find and fix bugs in this new code they're building upon, and continue to hear feedback from users about what business features are most needed, all while continuing to work on building additional features.
I agree that thy could do a better job on their website of being clearer about the business features which are and are not available in the Mac version. One place you can see this is by going to Quicken Mac's online help and scrolling down the left side to click on Business & Personal, where you'll find a description of the functionality currently available.
The limited features in the Mac Business & Personal version, including the absence of invoicing and rental property management functions, has been widely discussed on this forum since the release in December. The original announcement of Quicken Mac Business & Personal details what features are included, and mentioned some that are not which are slated for future releases: the "Mac development team plans to expand on business-related features such as including invoicing, balance sheets, etc." We don't know if they plan to add the rental property features from the Windows version, but I would guess that this will also be added over time.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930