How to fix Tax Planner? It sets own random numbers ...

Member ✭✭✭✭

Hello Quicken,

This Tax Planner issue was reported several times by several Users for the past.

Once it was promised to be addressed by new release, and it worked for me for some time, but I got into the same issue now again.

The Tax Planner set own, out of blue values for Wages, Withholdings and I can't set expected Scheduled values no matter what I've tried.

To update my Wages I have to unselect Scheduled and select it back to get correct Annual Total.

That recalculates and updates Remaining Tax Due.

But, at the same time it set own value for my Withholdings, that I as well unselect Scheduled and select it back to get correct Annual Total.

That recalculates and updates Remaining Tax Due.

But, it resets back so some number my Wages.

And it goes in such loop.

Another issue that in the Business Income for Meals is shows the transaction that is dated for prev year, while I run Tax Planner for this 2024 year, and also adds some for Projected Amount, while there is no any Projected transactions at all.

The same prev year transactions are for Other Allowable Expenses.

Taxable Refund also shows the transaction for State refund dated last year, that is for prev year return of 2022, it should not be there.

State Withholding has the same issue

yes, I run Validate multiple times, no issues were found.

I restored from a backup, but all is the same with Tax Planner issue.

as example another thread, that was closed without the fix

Best Regards


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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    FWIW, your second issue is by design. Until there are actual or scheduled transactions for the current year, Quicken defaults to using last year's value plus inflation for the projected amount.

    Your first issue is often caused by corrupted scheduled reminders.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    What I found in the now-closed post referenced above appears to be an issue with initializing the detailed settings pages in the Tax Planner.

    When setting up the Tax Planner for this year, I found again that to prevent it from changing settings on other pages, I had to visit each of the detail pages. Very annoying

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2024


    I see you marked my answer as Helpful but still rejected it. Did following the admittedly clumsy steps I listed in the post I linked above fix the problem for you, as it does for me?

    To repeat and clarify, the steps are:

    The issue occurs when I visit a detail page that I have not used or viewed before. The detail pages are the sections at the bottom of the entry panels where you specify how to calculate the amount for one of the entry lines. Visiting an unused page causes entries on other pages to change. The entries that are affected are ones where I have selected Quicken Data as the source. The workaround is:

    1. Open the Tax Planner and note the tax due or Refund amount.
    2. Click on Details at the bottom of the list on the left.
    3. Go to the first Details page (Wages / Wages and salary - Self)
    4. Click repeatedly on Next Detail Item until you get to the bottom of the list, 80 times total.
    5. At some point you may see the Tax or Refund due change. This is an indication that you are experiencing this problem.
    6. When you have visited all the detail pages, go to the detail pages where the entries have changed. For me this was Dividend Income, Other income / Taxable Social security, and Tax payments / Estimated taxes. To restore the correct entries, all I had to do was change the selection from Quicken Data to User Entered and back.
    7. As a check, repeat steps 2-5 and make sure the Tax due or refund amount does not change.

    For me, going through this process fixed the problem of changing amount due or refund for the rest of the year. I had to repeat the process when I set up the Tax Planner for this year

    To anyone who is experiencing this problem, please let us know if this fixes it for you. Hopefully that will help the developers understand what is causing this problem.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    I got confirmation from Quicken support and development about this issue

    I was told several other Users also complained for the same issue, also that support rep was able to reproduce the issue

    I was told to wait for the fix …

    BTW - the Tax Planner had had one or another issue yearly , every January as I remember, exactly when it's important to calculate estimated 4th tax payment

    Best Regards
  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Jim_Harman thank you for your reply and big help

    the logic outlined by you works at high level, yes it takes about 10-20 min to get stable resulting Remaining Tax Due number.

    I might misunderstood some your steps, please help me.

    1. I can't find "Next Detail Item". I see the "Next" link, and can select any Item in each Form
    2. Just going from Form to Form via the "Next" link doesn't change the Remaining Tax Due number for me
    3. When I see difference between the Item value (example Wages and Salaries - Self" and in Details "Annual Total" I have to click at "User Entered" and go back to "Quicken Data" to get the Item value to get updated to correct value from Scheduled Bills and Deposits, this is when the Remaining Tax Due number gets updated
    4. I have to do 2 or 3 passes over all those Forms to correct bad Items values to get stable resulting the Remaining Tax Due number , while all Items look unchanged when I get to a Form

    in result I think I got required number within margin of an error.

    that is my reason to not mark your answer as "Yes"

    Anyone else was able to fix the Tax Planner by following any from above replies steps?

    Best Regards
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    See this screenshot

    First click on Details at the bottom of the blue bar, the Next detail Item is the button near the top to the right of "Item". Click that 80 times to cycle through all the detail pages then correct any of your entries that have changed, as described in my step 6 above.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    edited January 2024

    @Jim_Harman After updating to R54.9 I noticed some of the wonkiness discussed in this thread. I used your 7-step guide but still could not get it straightened out. So, I resorted to also clicking through each input in each section for all Tax Planner sections. It took a few iterations of going back and forth between clicking through Details and the Regular screens but in the end, I was able to go thru your 7 steps with no changes in the tax owed or refund amount. The Planner now seems stable.

    In the process of doing this, I noticed that the Details and Regular screens do not align. There are 76 live inputs that show an active Details section below in the Regular screens and the 80 clicks/81 inputs in Details. So far, this is what I can decipher-

    1. In the regular Capital Gains screen, "Unrecaptured dep. Gains" and "Long-term 28% Gains and Losses" are dead inputs. Neither will show Details. The Details remain either STCG or LTCG depending on which input you were on last.
    2. In Details screen for Capital Gains, there is an input for "Super Long-term Gains and Losses" with no associated Tax Lines and no apparent corresponding input in the regular screen. But if you enter a User Input value, the total gain amount in the regular screen will go up by that amount and the Refund Due/Tax Owed amount will change.
    3. Also in the regular Capital Gains screen, the Alternative Tax checkbox does not add inputs to the Details screen. Not sure what that does so it may be irrelevant.
    4. Schedule E, Depreciation is a dead input in the regular screen and non-existent in the Details screen.
    5. State/Local Tax, Withholding per Pay Period for self and spouse are dead inputs and non-existent in the Details screen.
    6. Withholding regular screen has 6 inputs but Withholding per Pay Period for Self & Spouse appear to be dead inputs with no function. The Other Withholding Spouse Tax Lines contain 3 lines of gibberish code. The Withholding Detail screen has 8 inputs. The Taxable Pay per Period and Additional Withholding per Pay Period for both Self & Spouse do not match with regular screen and appear to have no function.
    7. As I was originally clicking through Details and changing values, I noticed that occasionally with no pattern I could discern, the value entered in Details would show up in the adjacent input of the Regular screen. One example I remembered was entering a Qualified Dividend value in Details and seeing the value in the first input of the Business Income regular screen.

    I'll try to make a report but would be interested if you could confirm these anomalies and report if you know of others.

    Adding- Quicken seems to be inconsistent in how it chooses the Reset to Default settings and whether 2024 data is available as a selection in Details. I have some instances in planner inputs where there are no 2024 transactions, scheduled reminders or 2023 data. In some cases, 2024 is greyed out (Business Income, etc.) and in others (Wages, Adjustments, etc.) it is not. I can't understand the logic under which Quicken decides to offer 2024 or grey it out.

    Adding- Reset to Default changes the Tax Year shown to 2023 but all data shown in the planner is from 2024 so it uses 2023 tax rates on 2024 data. It can be changed but the user should not have to do that; reset should set the tax year for the same year as the data shown, preferably the current year. With respect to whether 2024 data is an option in Details section, a new data file shows all sections with 2024 available. My production file does have 2021 TurboTax import data which may impact the selection of whether 2024 is available to select. Regardless 2024 with no data or 2023 with inflation should always be the default selection. I cannot envision a circumstance where Quicken Data (2024 or 2023 as appropriate) is greyed out in Details section.

    For reference, this issue has been reproduced by Quicken and has a ticket assigned 4 months ago.

This discussion has been closed.