Invalid Transfers Mac

ken deemer
ken deemer Member ✭✭✭

This issue has been raised a number of times with no resolution. It started some months back with a Quicken Update. I don't know which. I have credit cards, Paypal, Venmo, etc. set up for automatic payment from my checking account. When I download my transactions, Quicken downloads a transfer out of my checking account and another into the credit card account. This worked properly for years. Now, I get a red arrow next to the outgoing transfer with the error message This transaction has one or more invalid transfers. The problem is that Quicken has started enforcing a strict date match for the two transfers. Usually, the outgoing transfer is posted on one date and the incoming one the following day. So they don't match, and it creates this error. Changing the date of one doesn't help. The only fix is to either delete the transaction and enter it again manually, or to manually change the transfer to a different account and then back again. This is so annoying. Quicken Please Fix This!


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @ken deemer I understand your frustration, but this site isn't Quicken Support. The developers don't read the posts here. The moderators have not provided any information about this issue in the prior threads, so they apparently have no information about it.

    So if you want to try to prod Quicken to do something, you need to (a) call Quicken Support and have them screen share with you so they can see and document the issue, and/or (b) use the Help > Report a Problem screen to report this to Quicken. If you do the latter, try to write a clear but detailed explanation, along with any screen shots you can provide to illustrate what happens.

    The most frustrating problems are the intermittent ones, because they can't be reproduced on demand. But if you can document it the next time it happens and submit the problem report, there's a chance it will make its way to the right people to look into it.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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