did update do this?

Just downloaded the latest update for Mac Quicken. Now the memo field wont allow input on transfers. Boo
the memo field wont allow input on transfers
I'm not seeing this. Just to be clear, are you referring to a transaction which is a Transfer to a different Quicken account, such as a checking account transaction to pay a credit card? I've just tried to edit the Memo field on several such transactions, and I can enter/edit Memo text just as it's always been.
(In thecae where a Transfer is one of several splits in a transaction, you can only enter/edit the Memo in th originating account that has the splits. If you try to enter/Edit the transaction in the receiving account, you get a pop-up telling you it can't be edited in this account and must be edited in the other account:
I don't think this is what you're referring to, but if so, this is nothing new.
If that's not it, could you walk through exactly what you're doing and what you're seeing where Quicken isn't allowing you input?
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