Placeholder created daily for wrong security

tdjoren Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

In my portfolio, I have two securities that are very similar in symbol. For example, ABC - a publicly traded security - is in my brokerage account. The second symbol - ABCX - is a non-public security and only available in my workplace retirement account.

Despite manually adding the holdings for ABC in my brokerage account, online updates to the account daily creates a placeholder for ABCX, which is not the correct security for that account. I delete the placeholder, since you can't edit the security, and the next day it comes back again.

I created a new file, added and downloaded ONLY the brokerage account, and it adds the placeholder for the correct security, which is ABC. That tells me that the download is getting the right info but for some reason adds the wrong one in my original file.

I cannot delete ABCX from my file to test since that will screw up years of transactions.

I am unavailable during the time when the highest escalation team is working due to my own job, so was hoping someone had seen this before. Any help is appreciated.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Since ABCX is non-public and doesn't download prices or transactions, have you tried changing the symbol for ABCX? If you change it to ZYXWUTS, do the problems continue or go away?

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • tdjoren
    tdjoren Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    ABCX does download prices daily and changing it would cause the obvious problems.

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