Sold mutual fund, received physical check. Can't get Q-Win R54.9 to handle it correctly

OTTBMom Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

As in the title: I sold shares in a mutual fund, and they mailed me a physical check. In Quicken for Windows, it was originally recorded as "Shares Removed" with a $0.00 balance. I changed it to "Sold" and the money appeared in my MF account, BUT I actually received a check so the money isn't in the account. There doesn't seem to be a pick-click in Quicken for "Sold and a check was issued" and when I then tried to add a transaction for the check to be written, I ended up with Q telling me (1) I have a check to print and (2) it totally messed up all the accounting in the transaction list. I have owned shares for more than 20 years, but suddenly all of the shares showed up with today's date! Eeek! Lucky for me I had a backup.

This is such a straightforward, normal type of transaction that I can't believe it's impossible to handle in Quicken. So can someone provide me with the steps I need to follow? Thanks in advance


  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    what did you do with the check - did it get deposited in some other acct ?
    If so - then you could have the SOLD with a transfer to this other "acct" - "Record Proceeds" to ….
    as there is nothing Quicken can do with a physical check until it pops up into another account .

    or - if you really need to track the existence of this "check" -
    you could create a manual Quicken offline account and deposit it there,
    and then later withdraw it and do what you will with it -

  • splasher
    splasher Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It doesn't matter whether a check/cash was issued, after the sale keeping the funds in the same account, you just need to do a withdrawal from the account. If it had been a transfer to another account, you would enter the accounts name in the Records Proceeds→ To: box.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

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