Quicken Double Counting MoneyMarket Funds

bgmulherin Member

I use Quicken Classic Premier for Mac, and Quicken is double counting our Money Market investments, making it appear that we have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS MORE in those accounts than are actually there. It is clearly a Quicken problem, since when you first connect the accounts it shows the correct balance. I just can't believe Quicken is so incapable of integrating with a major brokerage house on something as basic as money market funds. I've engaged Quicken for MONTHS on this, and no solution. Is anyone else seeing this problem?


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    It would help to know which brokerage(s) and money market fund(s).

    Many people have had issues with Schwab's change to treating two of its primary money market funds as cash rather than securities in their downloads to Quicken. (And that's not Quicken being incapable, but a change dictated/implemented by Schwab.)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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