Transfer balancers not visible

jeffhaze45 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

I have used Quicken for many years. I started with the Mac version, but recently switched to the Windows Classic Canadian version (Ver R53.26). I converted all my accounts from Mac to Windows .

My problem is, when I transfer money from a Simplii checking account to some credit accounts i.e. MBNA or Manulife, the transaction shows up correctly in the account I am transferring from, but in the transferring to account, the amount being transferred does not show up. The other details are correct, just the transfer amount is not there. It is almost like it is hidden.

This means I am doing double entries for many of my accounts. This is a real pain.


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Do you have any sort of "Filter" set in the "to" Account. Is there a green "Reset" button showing? If there is, click that.

  • jeffhaze45
    jeffhaze45 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I could not find any green Reset button. As far as I can tell, I have not active filters.

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    "The other details are correct, just the transfer amount is not there. It is almost like it is hidden."

    Focusing on that, is the amount transferred to the receiving Account really not there at all, or is it clearly there because you can see the effect on the Account's balance, just not visible?

    If the former, could you post a screen shot of the "from" transaction along with a note as to the receiving Account's name so we can see anything obviously wrong? In the Windows version the Category box for the "from" transaction should have the receiving Account's name, surrounded by square brackets: [Name of Account].

    I've never used the Mac version but I recall that it has - or at least had - a box for Transfer and a box for Category that you filled in when entering a transaction, and I was astonished as there is no way a given amount could be both at Transfer and a Category. Is there some element of that odd presentation that might be affecting how you're entering these transactions?

  • jeffhaze45
    jeffhaze45 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    From [Simplii]:

    To [Manulife]:

    As you can see, the "From" information is correct but the "To" information is missing, and not accounting for, the transfer amount.

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Are the entries you're showing manual entries, or are then downloaded entries?

    Where is that 1/23/2024 entry in the Manulife Account for $760.69, which also looks to be a transfer from Simplii, coming from?

    This looks to be something you cobbled together for presentation instead of screen shots of the transactions themselves?

    Your From entry appears to be sending the transfer to an Account named "Manulife ONE" instead of simply "Manulife."

    And the "Category" - assumed to be the 4th column - for the 1/23/2024 entry reads "Transfer: Payment from Simplii" but that doesn't appear to be a legitimate Category or Account, it reads like something in the memo field.

    Difficult to understand what's really going on in your file. Have you tried a Validation of the file itself?

  • jeffhaze45
    jeffhaze45 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I see the confusion I caused with the name of the "To" account. The label of the "To" should read "[Manulife ONE]" as indicated in the register snip.

    The "From" entry is manually created transfer from Simplii to [Manulife ONE]. The amount of 150 is a payment out of Simplii and [Manulife ONE] is a category of type Transfer.

    The "To" image is taken from the Manulife ONE account and shows the transfer account (Category) as [Simplii]. The transfer above it of 760.69 is indeed a manually created entry with a manually created category of "Transfer:Payment From Simplii" used as a workaround because the transferred amount does not show up as shown by the 2024-01-29 entry. The 2024-01-23 entry was included to show that the transfer balance did not show up in the "To" account and that the account balance was unaffected.

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    So you're saying that everything IS entered correctly, manually, for the $150 transfer from Simplii to Manulife ONE? That should work and I don't know why it isn't. I'm guessing that the conversion process is to blame here and that's something I know nothing about.

    I'd make a backup and Validate the file to see if that improves the situation, but if it doesn't I think it's time to call Official Quicken Support, allow screen sharing so they can see the problem, and maybe come up with an answer.

  • jeffhaze45
    jeffhaze45 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I did the Validation, but it didn't fix the problem.

    Thanks for your time and effort though. 😊

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