On Search windows are there any formats to reduce searches for numbers

BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭

Just wondering if there are some type of formating instructions for "Searches so I can get more specific results"

ex. 10.00 will return every every transaction with 10 in it. like 2710.00, 10.57, 10567.00, etc

I just want to see the $10.00 or 10.00

Is there a way to do this in the Search Windows?

I know I could sort the search results by amount column but that is not what I looking for.



  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You could run a register report, customize it, and in the Advanced tab set "Equal to" 10.00 or 100.00

  • mshiggins
    mshiggins SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Use the All Transactions register sorted by amount. Scroll to the $10 amounts. All Transactions register can be accessed from the link at the top of the Account Bar.

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for info, was hoping there were some keyboard formatting to allow it.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Other than what was suggested already, the only other place that I know of where you can search for numbers in the Amount field would be the Edit / Find or Edit / Find/Replace dialogs.

    Note: Be specific. If, for example, you're looking for a check or charge of exactly $19.44, enter it as a negative number.
    Try the other options, too.

  • miklk
    miklk SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    I have been reporting for a long time that the Global Search is not working to search for any amount with. 00 cents. All other amounts seem to work but not being able to to a basic search for numbers with zero cents is a Bug and an annoying limitation.

    BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks,  Edit / Find or Edit / Find/Replace dialogs Does seem to work and searching split accounts too.

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