Schwab Reinvest Shares Transactions?

andyptaylor Quicken Mac Other Member
edited April 2024 in Investing (Mac)

Is there a planned fix for Quicken not downloading/recognizing Schwab transactions that are classified as Reinvest Shares in Schwab? I believe this has been an issue for some time and it causes the Quicken view to become out of sync with the Schwab view very quickly. It's more annoying than anything but you would think if there is a transaction in Schwab, Quicken would pull that down and apply it but seems not when dividends are automatically reinvested in shares on the Schwab side. Hope that makes sense but thats what I beleive is happening.


  • clinc
    clinc Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    I have this problem too. It would be great to get it fixed!

  • Kshevock
    Kshevock Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have 9 Schwab accounts. None download the individual transactions. Schwab checking does download individual transactions but that is a Bank which may be completely separate from the Schwab brokerage accounts. Help needed.

  • retun2AU
    retun2AU Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have the same problem. Doesn't it make a difference in record keeping if the dividend is treated as cash and then used a day later to make a Buy? It should be noted as a reinvested dividend — not a cash received and a later buy.

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Doesn't it make a difference in record keeping if the dividend is treated as cash and then used a day later to make a Buy? It should be noted as a reinvested dividend — not a cash received and a later buy.

    No, there is no difference. A reinvested dividend is the same as a dividend and a purchase; it doesn't matter if it's recorded as a single reinvested dividend or as a dividend received in cash and then new shares purchased.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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