Sort Features in "Match Manually" / "Manually Match Transactions"


Hi Quicken,

Not everyone uses the Quicken software every day/week. Currently, your "Update" feature only "Matches" transactions that occurred within the past week. For those of us who only "Update" every couple of weeks or month, this leaves us with many transactions that need to be manually matched.

Currently, the "Match Manually" / "Manually Match Transactions" window that appears when manually matching transactions, doesn't have a sort feature. And with those of us who only update quicken every other week or month, many transactions reflect the same transaction date. This requires a lot of scrolling and is very time consuming when manually matching transactions.

My suggestion is to add a sort feature to this "Match Manually" / "Manually Match Transactions" window, so users can sort by payee or payment amount. These sort features are available for nearly everything else in Quicken, but not this specific screen/window.

Thank you.

2 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    I believe this was done because they never took care of another problem.

    The manual match window used to have all possible matches, and no way to easily remove old entries that would never match for various reasons.

    So, people complained about this, and their "fix" seems to be to limit the time range on them, when they should have provided a quick way to remove bad entries.

    This is my website: