Credit Card Account - Transaction View in Register
I've just started using a Quicken credit card account (I've done two months thus far). I imported the February statement and then January. The transactions (including the payments) are listed by date but this view is confusing to review a particular statement within the credit card register. I then changed the sort to "By Order Entered" and this appears to list the transactions by statement/import. Since I did February before January this option has the most current transaction listed first (not good). Is there a sort/view option I’m missing? I know I can revisit the import sequence if important enough to me.
Note: On a different Quicken account, I did it manually (no import), I used the split transaction feature on the checking side and it was much cleaner to review per statement per payment transaction. But totally manual.
You say that you imported "the statement". Did you actually download/import the TRANSACTIONS? Because a statement can't be used to populate the account register.
Q can attach the statement, but can't "read" it.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
Downloaded transactions - timeframe by statement