Can you Explain the Difference between Ticket and CTP
On some posts there is a ticket number and some of these also have a CTP number.
I believe that the ticket number is given by Quicken Support when a caller does a chat or calls in to Support.
Does Support create a ticket for all calls or only some calls?
I believe the CTP number is when the ticket is assigned to the 'programmer' group. I don't think it is assigned if the ticket just goes to 2nd tier support.
Can anyone confirm?
This is not a pressing issue, I'm just curious.
Current subscription user.
A ticket number is definitely just the number to track the support call and progress on the support call.
My terms/description (as a programmer) would be a bit different for the CTP than "ticket is assigned to 'programmer' group (but is certainly an OK way to state it). I would say "It is the bug (sometimes called Problem Report) number." Which means it has been put into the bug system, it doesn't imply anyone has been assigned to it, or even anyone has reviewed it. Just as Quicken Support has "levels", bug systems have different states a bug can be in. One would assume though that once a bug number is created that it would be reviewed in a meeting "sometime soon". What they do with it at that point just depends on that review.
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