Bills & Income - Projected Balance chart - any way to make it longer (edit)

Is there a way to make the projected Balance chart under Bills & Income any longer?
That sounds like some kind screen drawing problem because on my screen it takes basically all the space that is given to it.
Shown with Accounts bar hidden:
Maybe if you post a screenshot, it might make what the issue is clearer. You can drag and drop an image in the comment box.
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I have no problem with the projected balances chart, I was just wondering if there was a way to make it longer. I wanted to make it about 1 to 2" more downward to expand my chart a little better.
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There is no way to control the size of the chart. But given that it takes up all of the space, I'm not sure what you are looking for.
This is my website: -
interesting…. for me - the entire screen is split between the top & bottom -
with most of the screen (for me) on the bottom with upcoming Reminders0 -
Maybe I'm just misinterpreting the term "longer". To me that means "wider".
If you mean it as "taller" or "higher", then no there isn't any way to control different sizes (in any direction).
And note that on my screenshot above I purposely cut off the part with the reminders table because I didn't think that was what we were talking about.
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