R55.15 - Discover CC-502



  • deliusfan
    deliusfan Member ✭✭✭

    This is EXACTLY what just happened to me. It's interesting to note that connecting Discover Bank (back, in my case, from previously removing it) doesn't cause a Discover Bank error, it causes the error at Discover Card Center! I wonder if there's sort of a flipping and flopping back and forth that is messing with how Quicken downloads.

    Also, when I log in to my own accounts, I just go to Discover.com. I never go to discovercard.com. Also, when I tried to re-add my bank, it wanted to completely add a new credit card account as well rather than recognizing the existing in Quicken. (It saw it, but I still had to click to "not add in Quicken). So that tells me the way the two websites are functioning are perhaps what is interfering in the downloads.

  • sproctor61
    sproctor61 Quicken Mac Subscription Windows Beta, Mac Beta Beta

    I have a ticket they have been working on for 3 weeks for Discover with same error. I even tried a fresh setup on Mac and windows with same results. This happens on discover and any account that I use that uses direct connect.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @sproctor61 I am using "Express Web Connect" with "Discover Card" as the financial institution. It's been working ever since I removed online access from the Discover Bank account. That is, don't have BOTH "Discover Card" and "Discover Bank" enabled for online access. Is "Express Web Connect" not an option on the Mac version?

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited May 3

    @irasend1 Not that it matters much at this point because it looks like Quicken Support has bowed out of this issue, but if you perform an update on any single account (Discover Bank or Card) from the Gear in top right corner before performing a OSU on all accounts, the OSU completes without error.

    This would rule out your suspicion of timing of the different update mechanisms.

  • txpaki
    txpaki Member ✭✭

    I tried various fixes that didn't work. Finally gave up and called customer service and they fixed it! I went to Edit, then Preferences, then Quicken ID and Cloud Accounts, then Sign in as a Different User, answered yes, signed out, then signed back in. When I did an upload for Discover Card, this time it loaded all my missing transactions and had the correct online balance.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @txpaki Do you have a Discover Bank account too or just a Card account? I have both and, for me, the problem occurs when I have them BOTH set up for online access. With just the Card set up things have been stable for quite a few weeks now. Glad you found a fix.

  • TLump
    TLump Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I too have done all the above to no avail. I have 5 different bank & credit card vendors. The only issue is with DiscoverCard. It takes Quicken 5-6 minutes to come back with CC-501 error.

    Prior to 2024May09 I would get the CC-502 WITH transactions but it wouldn't update the Last downloaded timestamp. It still reads April 15, 2024 which was the last time I did the Reset Account successfully.

  • ts063068
    ts063068 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited May 18

    @TLump Yep, until yesterday it was coming back in 30s, now it's taking minutes. I have 7 vendors (2 Discover). Huntington is also slow now - but I should probably try it again on its own.

    It's now coming back with CC-501 on Discover Bank and Discover Card, so maybe it's time to start trying things. To add insult to injury, my Quicken just re-subbed and being able to look at everything in one place is a major reason to have it!

    Edit: Not just me on the CC-501 - a new problem posted on the main page. This is probably the long timeout issue too.

  • djhc12a
    djhc12a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I continuously do the two-step update with the Discover Card error CC-502 for the first update and select try again with success. I am from Texas and I thought the two-step was a dance. 😉

    I do have a Discover Bank account as well. I am currently on Quicken version R56.9. I have deactivated/activated my Discover Card account with no difference in result.

    I am not clear if Quicken support or Discover support handles this problem. I believe that Quicken support should take charge since the issue involves its product and customers.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @djhc12a My current hypothesis is that Discover doesn't like it when an update is requested from both Discover BANK and Discover CARD at the same time. With Discover bank disabled I have had no problems downloading credit card transactions for several weeks now. I just added Discover bank back in but left it unchecked in the One Step (group) Update. That worked for at least the first trial. I'll see if that continues. I'm OK doing the Update Now occasionally on just the bank account (i.e. never include it on the group update).

  • tompfr
    tompfr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Yes, you are correct that the CC-502 problem is somehow caused by including BOTH Discover Bank and Discover Card account(s) in the OSU. I am currently doing basically the same as you by removing Discover Card account from the OSU and then updating it separately with Update Now. It has worked without error every time for a few weeks now.

    As a test - just to insure there wasn't some problem with my Quicken data file - I created a brand new Quicken file with just the 5 Discover accounts in it. The initial download of transactions for all 5 accounts (4 Discover Bank accounts, 1 Discover Card account) went OK without any errors. However, the first time I ran OSU, the CC-502 error occurred again. And once again, removing Discover Card from OSU got rid of the problem.

    The other aspect of this problem is that if you try to solve it by using just the Discover Bank FI for all of the Discover accounts, it does solve the CC-502 error problem. But then, transactions no longer download for the Discover Card account. And trying to use just the Discover Card FI is a non- starter because the Discover Bank accounts are not detected using that FI.

  • @tompfr That makes sense. I assume we all have the same login for Discover Bank and Discover Card and I'll bet Discover won't let you login twice simultaneously during an OSU. I wonder if there's a way to split Discover into two separate logins…?

  • Joel S.
    Joel S. Member ✭✭✭

    any update on this ?? I was doing the retry after it failed, then turned the back from one step update.. I don't use it and just reconcile intrest .. the discover card I use more often.. (was here asking about another account and thought I would check in)

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Joel S. I have not had any fails since I removed DiscoverBank from the group update. I update the bank account separately using "Update Now" in the upper right settings menu as I described in my May 19 post.

    I am now fairly certain that DiscoverBank and DiscoverCard are the same system (even though they have different IP addresses). When Quicken tries to process the group update in parallel, Discover rejects the second (duplicate) log in attempt. This is my theory and this is the best work-around I've found. I have heard nothing from Quicken support but I image they are still having people deactivate then re-activate online access which only works because the fails are somewhat timing dependent and thus appear random.

  • ts063068
    ts063068 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Kerry Imming That's a good idea! My bank doesn't get near the updated the card does, and I can just do it once a month then!

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