R55.15 - Discover CC-502



  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Kerry Imming Regarding your "real" file, are you saying no transactions from any Discover account or just no transactions from Discover Card account? I had a single expected transaction from a Discover Bank account this morning, but will wait until tomorrow to see if my new Discover Card transactions update with a OSU.

    Interesting results from your test file though.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @QuestionMark There are only non-downloaded transactions from the credit card account, so I can't tell if the other accounts are working or not.

  • User#99
    User#99 Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member

    I did a one step update at 4:00AM CDT. Everything downloaded the first time except for my Discover Card account. I got an CC-502 error. It updates just fine when I make it the only downloadable account in OSU.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    So it appears that my experience is the same as @Kerry Imming after deactivating and reactivating my Discover accounts. Discover Card appears as if it is updating normally and without error, but the transactions do not download into Quicken. Same result whether updating with OSU or individually from the gear.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 19

    More testing and new results. I wouldn't suggest you try this unless you have already tried to resolve the CC-502 error by deactivating/activating your Discover accounts.

    Since my 1st attempt didn't net me preferable results, I deactivated all my Discover accounts again. I also cleared the Financial Institution and Account in the General Tab of the Account Details page after deactivating the Online Services.

    When reactivating, I started with Discover Card account. When selecting my Financial Institution in the activation process, I chose Discover Card. This found only my Discover Card account to which I Linked to Existing. This successfully updated my non-downloaded transactions.

    I then reactivated one of my Discover Bank accounts using Discover Bank as the Financial Institution. It found all of my Discover Bank and Discover Card accounts. I chose to Link to Existing my Discover Bank accounts and chose Don't Add to my Discover Card account.

    This did not produce an error when doing a OSU(the time of X hours elapse may still be in the equation, too), but I can't yet speak to new transactions being downloaded since there are none because they just updated during the activation process. Wait and see…

    Your results may vary.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @QuestionMark New observation this AM. Instead of OSU I just did the upper right gear/settings "Update now". Update appeared to work fine BUT, it never prompted for my vault password. In the update summary it reports three accounts updated and (this is stranger yet) shows correct balances in my Discover bank and checking dated yesterday (4/18). Those are not used much so the balance hasn't changed since the start of April.

    From this I conclude two things. First, Quicken must not prompt for a vault password until it gets a request from the financial institution server. And second, things are WAY more screwed up with Discover than Quicken is letting on.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @QuestionMark Very interesting. I just repeated your experiment (Using Discover Card vs. Discover Bank) and it worked for me too. That, and it only downloaded the missing transactions (last 23 days). Discover Bank reported that it was going to download ALL (i.e. the last 14 years) of transactions. I didn't reactivate the Discover Bank accounts because I'm OK just having the card account working for now. Fingers crossed but Thank You.

    :-( Now I have 23 duplicates to delete since I have been experimenting with QuicknPerlWiz ImportQIF to find a work-around.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    After waiting X hours from my last deactivate/reactive scenario, it appears I am back to the exact same symptom that I started with; OSU errors with CC-502 on Discover Card, Try again completes without error. Lather, rinse, repeat… WahWah!

    @Kerry Imming I don't appear to have any duplicates, so that's a plus. I don't know why it doesn't prompt for Password Vault password when updating a single account, but I noticed that early on in my troubleshooting.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @QuestionMark I checked "Update now" on other accounts and they prompt for a password like they should. It's only Discover when it fails that doesn't. This is in a session where I've never entered the vault password; I'm exiting Quicken to make sure the vault isn't unlocked from a prior update attempt.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Kerry Imming Just checked several of my accounts. It appears that all my banking/credit card accounts show "Update Now" and don't prompt for password. My brokerage accounts all say "Update Transactions" and do prompt for Vault password. There is probably a "Quicken" reason, but does seem odd.

  • chad18
    chad18 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    My results from testing…..

    I also have both a Discover Card account (using financial institution Discover Card) and a Discover Savings account (using financial institution Discover Bank). A few days ago I completely removed online services from my Discover Savings account and deleted Discover Bank as the financial institution.

    Since I did that, my Discover Card has downloaded transactions from OSU with no errors. Worked every time.

    Yesterday I re-added online services to my Discover Savings account and selected Discover Bank as the financial institution.

    This morning during OSU, the Discover Card once again failed with CC-502.

    Something has changed recently where Quicken cannot complete a OSU for both Discover Card and Discover Bank.

    For now, I will again remove online services from my Discover Savings account. But this is NOT a long term solution.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 19
  • tompfr
    tompfr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hello, I'm having the same issue as others here, and have found no fix either (that lasts).

    I was just wondering if anyone here has seen any guidance anywhere from Quicken and/or Discover as far as which of the 3 available Discover FI we should be using for what????? I mean this is freaking confusing, and most definitely is contributing to the difficulty of resolving this overall issue.

  • Joel S.
    Joel S. Member ✭✭✭

    that was an old issue that got many of us to split the discover to bank, and credit card… before that just one worked, then bank gave no transactions for the cc except balance updates..

    i have a cc and savings, with single log in..

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Joel S. Good to know. My Discover Card/Bank accounts have been split in Quicken for as long as I can remember, maybe always.

    Just for more info, once you split your Discover accounts in Quicken, have you always gotten the CC-502 (Try again) error on Discover Card?

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I just got off the phone with Quicken Support. We did a Screen Share session and discussed all the nuances that have been discussed on this thread and some additional testing that I have done, but not reported here because they were of no positive consequence. Ultimately, he submitted a "ticket" and said there were others with the same issue.

    Maybe others could take some time to call Quicken Support. I would hope the squeaky wheel syndrome would work to our advantage.

  • deliusfan
    deliusfan Member ✭✭✭

    my current situation is I have both a bank account and a CC account. The bank account can ONLY connect to Discover Bank, which appears to be the issue. I've disabled that, but my credit card is connected and downloading correctly, now (I use the card pretty much daily in the subway, so I generate a lot of transactions).

    There is still an issue with Discover Bank, though, so I'm unsure how to solve that. Leaving it unconnected for the time being.

  • Joel S.
    Joel S. Member ✭✭✭

    No, issue started about the same time as the post, was always good before recently.

  • tompfr
    tompfr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 23

    As an FYI for other users, here's a summary of where I'm at with this issue:

    For now, I have removed my Discover credit card account (which uses the Discover Card FI) from the OSU, and then update that account as a separate step after doing the OSU. The OSU still includes the 4 Discover Bank accounts (1 online savings account and 3 CD accounts) and those accounts all use the Discover Bank FI. This eliminates the CC-502 error that started occurring after every OSU a few weeks ago.

    Trying to use the Discover Bank FI for all of the Discover accounts has never worked in the past when I tried that, and still doesn't. There are no errors, but no transactions are downloaded for the credit card account.

  • User#99
    User#99 Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member

    I'm getting the CC-502 as well. The work around I've is that I can do a OSU where Discover Card will fail on it. Then when OSU finishes, I click on the "Try Again" error text and it successfully downloads Discover Card. It only seems to have the problem when you try to download all accounts at the same time.

  • Quicken Janean
    Quicken Janean Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator admin

    Hi All, we have reached out again for this error to be looked into. I will update once I learn more. Thank you for testing and providing this feedback.

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Kerry Imming
    Kerry Imming Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Is anyone else seeing that Discover no longer shows up in the "One Step Update Summary"? I don't get any errors but usually the financial institutions are listed in the summary even if nothing is downloaded.

    FYI… I'm on Quicken Classic R55.26 which reports as the latest.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Kerry Imming I just performed an OSU and Discover Card and Discover Bank are still showing in Summary.

  • Quicken Janean
    Quicken Janean Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator admin

    Hi All, It is still suggested that you try connecting again at a different time when getting the CC-502 error. We have verified that Discover will throttle during times of high traffic. I also suggest making sure you are connected to the correct account type as there are a few for Discover. Thank you.

    Quicken Janean

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • QuestionMark
    QuestionMark Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Janean

    Such an absolute lazy conclusion!

    High traffic at 11:47 PM?

    Same CC-502 error.

    I think not!

    FWIW, I have started the process of transferring all my Discover Bank accounts to another Financial Institution.

    Quicken, you're probably next.

  • tompfr
    tompfr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Hi, I also disagree that this is any kind of valid solution. I have tried it myself, and the time of day that you run the OSU does not matter. I won't repeat the problem's symptoms again here, as they have been made quite clear, over and over and over again, by the users posting here.

  • eghanson
    eghanson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I have the same situation as mentioned by all. In addition, I have 2 Discover Credit Card accounts, and only one is recognized as a Credit Card. The other is only recognized as Discover Bank and no transaction are download, only balance updated. I have used Quicken for years with no problems with the correct setup until this year. Really frustrating that nothing has been done to address these issues. I have seen on other posts that Discover is no longer supporting Quicken. Could this be why this is an ongoing problem?

  • NickKever
    NickKever Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I am over these errors. What is Quicken doing to resolve the problems? Telling us that the price will increase… 😒 Go Quicken…

  • ts063068
    ts063068 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited April 30

    I hadn't changed anything because I didn't want to get into the 2023 only one account updates. (This all seems to be an outshoot of the same problem.)

    Today, Quicken crashed, and so I send the bug report, and then on OSU it now says: "CC-800 It appears one or more accounts at Discover Bank have been deleted. This could happen if you restored form a backup file. You must add the accounts to Quicken again."

    Which, of course, I'm hesitant to do since the Discover Card is still working and that's the one I care about vs. the once a month interest from the bank. Argh.

    Edit: reset the account, without linking Discover Card - we'll see if they both work tomorrow!

    Edit: After resetting, it's back to the fail/try again, but at least working. Latest update didn't change anything

  • irasend1
    irasend1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member, Windows Beta Beta

    So, for what it's worth, here is my guess as to what is going on. I just ran a one step update, but unchecked everything except Discover Card, and the OSU ran without problems and updated Discover card without the 502 error. Discover Card still only runs on the old Express Web Connect protocol as opposed to the new Web Connect+ protocol. My suspicion is that OSU runs by first notifying the institution that they are requesting a download and then pulls/accepts those downloads in a specific priority order, Direct Connect first, then Web Connect+, and lastly the old Web Connect protocol. My suspicion is that the lag time from the initial request to the acceptance of the information exceeds the time that the Discover servers are set to wait, so they deny the request. And, since Discover Card is unlikely to update their protocol to Web Connect+ as they are soon to be acquired by Citi this is something that likely will not be fixed.


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