reconciliation opening window

Bob_Mc Member

I saw that this question was posted previously, but I did not see an answer:

When I begin the reconciliation on an account, a pop up comes up explaining what "Reconcile" is. There is a checkbox to "do not show this window again", or something to that effect.

Checking the box does nothing, in other words, that start up dialog explaining what reconciliation is comes up again. It doesn't matter how many times I check the box.

Quite annoying. Is there a way to make this dialog box never show up again? I know what reconciliation is.


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Something is obviously messed up somewhere in a preferences file; it should go away, and I never see that in reconciling any of my accounts.

    I would try doing the opposite: uncheck the "Don't show this message again" checkbox, then click Start. Canel your reconciliation. Quit Quicken. Relaunch Quicken. Start a new reconciliation. When the window comes up, now check the checkbox again, and click Start. Cancel the reconciliation and start the reconciliation again. Does the explanation box comes up or has this cleared it?

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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