Another user who can't update from Cap One.
I'm on Quicken Classic Deluxe (Windows 11), R55.15, Build For many years now I have downloaded my transactions from Capital One. The last download ( called Update now) was 3/14/24. I tried a few days ago, and again today, and got 0 downloaded. I guess it's probable that the latest Quicken update was since the last time I had a successful Cap One update, but I wouldn't bet more than $100 on it.
In looking for clues about how to approach it, I've seen a number of times where someone seems to be having the same problem. And just now I see a couple of responses that say there is a known bug now, and they're working on it, but no answer yet.
Both times that I tried updating Cap One in the last couple of days, I followed a set of instructions presented to other users having the same issue, and I went to Cap One and downloaded a .QXF file and imported it, but next time I tried an update, I got the same thing - no transactions downloaded.
So is this the current predicament? It's a known bug, and just wait?
Both times that I tried updating Cap One in the last couple of days, I followed a set of instructions presented to other users having the same issue, and I went to Cap One and downloaded a .QXF file and imported it, but next time I tried an update, I got the same thing - no transactions downloaded.
In between those two QFX file transfers, were there new transactions posted to the account? (Not talking about pending transactions here)
For me, One Step Update works properly for my Cap One Mastercard.
You may have to deactivate all your Cap One accounts, stop and restart Quicken, then use the Tools / Add Accounts dialog to reactivate them all, to be back under One Step Update. Be sure to correctly LINK all accounts found at the bank to the correct existing account register, to avoid cross-linking accounts and creating a mess. Backup your data file first!0 -
Hey, thanks for chipping in.
I've seen that procedure recommended but I'm not sure what deactivate and reactivate mean. I hope it just means all the transactions "go to sleep", and does not mean anything is deleted. And then reactivating means they wake up and are back to what they were. I dont want to have all my data in that account dumped out, and then reactivation means pulling all the CapOne data back in, from years and years ago.
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And yes, in between the two downloads, I checked to see that there were new transactions. Not just pending going live
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"Deactivating" only removes the connection from Quicken to your bank. Your transactions are not touched at all.
Do not mistake "deactivating" with "deleting": the latter process, to delete an account, means that all transactions in the account register are deleted (removed) … and you don't want or need to do that.During (re-)activation, the connection to the bank is reestablished. Typically, the first download will contain the most recent transactions again, about 60 - 90 days worth, to cover any gaps in service. You may (will) have to review the transactions and delete any duplicates to get your accounts back in sync.
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Hey, thanks for chipping in.
Yes, in the time between the two QFX files there were new transactions that would have gone into my Quicken account. I only have oneCap One account
I've seen that procedure recommended several times in my hunt for a solution. I hesitate at the idea of deactivating my Cap One account. I know there's a good FRESH backup file but still, I want to understand what happens in deactivating and reactivating.
Does deactivating just sort of make all the transactions just "go to sleep" in place? So reactivating wakes them up so they can go to work again? I don't want to be deleting my data and hoping to recreate it again, by drawing everything out from the CapOne server again.
Is that a clear enough explanation?
(Edited on 4/11/2024 to remove empty lines so the length of this post is reduced.)
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Same here! My Capital One credit card transactions won't upload to Quicken.
I came to the forum to see if anyone else was reporting this problem. I reported to Quicken in the App so that they are aware.
All of my Capital One updates are done MANUALLY with QFX download originated from the Capital One site (so deactivate/activate for One Step Update isn't the issue).
My Capital One BANK data is uploading as usual. I can tell that they originate from a different download format than the credit cards on the Capital One side.
I hope that Quicken will address this as soon as possible. This is a major bank.0 -
"Deactivate" is a simple process that does not affect the data in the Account Register at all. It simply removes the connection method for downloading transactions so you can no longer use OSU or Update Now to download transactions into Quicken. There is no risk of data loss at all.
Before proceeding further it is recommended that you:
- Enter and save the dollar amount of the Opening Balance transaction (the oldest transaction in the Account Register) into the Memo field of that transaction. This can be of help should something go wrong. More on this later.
- Backup your data file.
To deactivate the account: Account Register > upper right Gear icon > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Deactivate.
Now you will want to reactivate the account. To do this:
- Account Register > upper right Gear icon > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Set Up Now. (Alternatively, you can go to Tools > Add Account.)
- Follow the prompts to set up the account for downloading. Quicken will take you to the Cap One website where you will need to log in and authorize Cap One to allow Quicken to download your account data and transactions.
- When done on the Cap One website, you might be automatically redirected back to Quicken or you might need to manually minimize or close your browser so you can then go back into Quicken.
- Quicken will now attempt to process the download from Cap One and you will likely be asked what to do with it. Very important—-make sure you LINK it to your existing account in Quicken. If you are prompted to add it as a new account, do not do it. Instead, select "Link to…" from the drop-down and then select your existing account in Quicken.
- Review and accept new transactions that might have been downloaded.
- Compare your account register balance to the Online Balance below the register. If they match each other, you are done and should be able to download transactions in the future.
- If the register balance and the Online Balance do not match each other: Go to the Opening Balance transaction. If the dollar amount you previously entered and saved into the Memo field does not match the transaction dollar amount, then change the transaction dollar amount of that transaction to match what is shown in the Memo field. If the register balance and the Online Balance now match, you are done.
- If the register balance and the Online Balance still do not match each other: Scroll backward from today's date to see if there are any duplicate transactions in the register. If you find any duplicates, delete one and retain the other. Be sure to scroll backward for 90-100 days to ensure that you have found and deleted any and all duplicates. If the account balance and Online Balance now match each other, you are done.
- If the account balance and Online Balance still do not match: Scroll through the register to see if there is a 2nd Opening Balance transaction but which does not have the dollar amount in the Memo field. If you find one, delete it. Your account balance and Online Balance should now be in agreement.
- If there still is an imbalance, you should compare the transactions in the account register to what is shown in your online Cap One account. If there are any missing transactions in the account register, you can manually enter them.
Did this answer your question and did it resolve the download issue for you?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home