Splits duplicated in tag column


I see this issue was discussed back in 2020, but found no resolution. I have splits (mostly for credit card payments to move expenses to proper categories). The transaction is duplicated in the "tag" column. I can't delete it. I don't use tags, I have maybe 4 total, all older transactions. I haven't really noticed this before—could it be something that just happened in an update? I have transactions in my working file that go back over 5 years.


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    "I have splits (mostly for credit card payments to move expenses to proper categories). "

    This suggests to me - correct me if I'm wrong - that in your credit card Account you're NOT categorizing charges as you make them but instead try to categorize a month's worth of charges with the monthly payment out of the checking Account??? IF that's correct, and this is aside from your actual question, THEN I'd say you're doing this wrong. The best and easiest approach here is to categorize each purchase (which might be split among Categories, of course) while it's fresh in your mind, and just treat the monthly payment as a Transfer.

    If I'm wrong here or for some reason I'm correct but you prefer your method, then ignore the above paragraph.

    "Splits duplicated in tag column" and "The transaction is duplicated in the "tag" column."

    I'm not entirely sure here what you're saying. An entire transaction can't be duplicated in the Tag column, there's simply not enough room, so are you telling us that in the split as you enter various Categories in the Category field that Category is somehow also entered in the Tag field? Posting a picture here of what you're seeing on the screen would be immensely helpful.

    If I've happened to hit the nail on the head as far as what your problem is then that certainly sounds like it could be due to data corruption in your file, and I haven't seen other posts with the same problem. A file Validation would be the first thing to try here.