How To Stop Quicken Getting Bank Password from Mac Keychain


For security reasons I want to manually enter my bank password each time I download transactions. This has always worked fine until last night when Quicken started getting the password from the keychain and performing the download.

I am trying to stop Quicken from going to the keychain.

After chatting & talking with support I set all my browsers to not infill fields, to not store passwords and I deleted any passwords in the browsers.

I made sure my bank passwords were not in the mac password file.

I turned off icloud keychain sharing.

I went to the keychain file and deleted the bank entry then went to quicken, entered my password (making sure not to select keychain update) and did the download . Going back to the keychain file the bank entry was back again.

Next I set access control on the keychain password to not share with any application. I went back to quicken and it asked me for my bank password (great) then after I entered my password, it then requested I allow it to get my keychain password and when I hit deny it prompted me again to allow it to access the keychain and when I said no a second time the download did not work.

Next time I did the download it asked for my password (great) then prompted me to allow it to access the keychain and when I allowed access the download worked.

Help. How do I stop quicken from trying to get the bank password from the Mac Keychain or how do I prevent the Mac keychain from supplying the password without stopping the download?


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