Using iMac. Updating operating system. Will everything transfer over?

Ron Member ✭✭✭

On my Mac I have Quicken's Deluxe 2020 Ver.5.17.6. Has all my rental information,$ in and $ out. Now using Catalina and want to update to Sonoma operating system. Will everything move over with no problems?

Best Answer

  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓

    I tried firing up 5.17.5 on a Sonoma Mac just now (don't have 5.17.6) and it seemed to work OK. I didn't put it through any extensive testing but I was able to create a new file & a checking account and open a report without any issues.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    To the best of my knowledge, Quicken Mac 5.17 will run on Sonoma. Just to clarify: nothing will "move over" when you update your Mac's operating system; it will be the same Quicken application and same data file currently on your Mac. Very few people have likely tested this particular combination, including the Quicken Mac development team, since most people on an active Quicken subscription moved on from version 5.17 years ago.

    Let me ask a question. Do you have a current Quicken subscription, or are you using the 2020 version as a former subscriber, with the big side banner seeking to have you renew? Assuming you do have a Quicken subscription, then as soon as you update your macOS to Sonoma, you can also let Quicken Mac update to the current 7.6.1 version. If you visit the Quicken Mac Release Notes webpage, you can skim through all the changes in the three-and-a-half years since version 5.17. There are some really nice improvements and additions which have been made to the program in that time. (And also some things that we're annoyingly still waiting for!)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Ron
    Ron Member ✭✭✭

    Hi Jacobs

    Thanks for the fast response. I will not do anything regarding moving up on operating system w/o putting everything in order.

    Been using Quicken for years (still have the disk from 2002 and disk for Quicken Essentials for Mac 2010)and only use it to keep track on there income coming in and expenses going out on my two rental here in So. Calif. I have no need to touch base with banks. Therefore I never had any subscription. I brought my Q. Deluxe 2020 because if one can put up with the ad on the side, there is no subscriptions. The 2020 works and does everything needed for keeping tabs on the rentals.Sorry for long response to your question, however with this information, please help me with my question about will Sonoma accept my 2020?

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    please help me with my question about will Sonoma accept my 2020?

    In my previous post, I answered your question to the best of my ability: "To the best of my knowledge, Quicken Mac 5.17 will run on Sonoma. Very few people have likely tested this particular combination, including the Quicken Mac development team, since most people on an active Quicken subscription moved on from version 5.17 years ago." Quicken 5.17 is no longer supported software, and by the time macOS Sonoma came out last fall, the developers and most Quicken Mac users had long since moved on from version 5.17. Since you don't utilize any online functionality, I think it will work okay because older versions (going back to Quicken 2015) still launch and run on macOS Sonoma.

    Perhaps there will is someone who runs on macOS Sonoma and still uses Quicken Mac version 5.17 because they didn't want to pay for an ongoing subscription, and they'll chime in here; I'm just saying I think there's a very small universe of people running the latest macOS while sticking with a 4 year-old version of Quicken Mac.

    In the worst-case scenario, if upgrade macOS and encounter any glitches with your old Quicken Mac, you would be able to buy a new one-year subscription to Quicken and upgrade to the current version — and then let your subscription lapse again at the end of the one-year subscription and continue with the then-current version for years into the future.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓

    I tried firing up 5.17.5 on a Sonoma Mac just now (don't have 5.17.6) and it seemed to work OK. I didn't put it through any extensive testing but I was able to create a new file & a checking account and open a report without any issues.

  • Ron
    Ron Member ✭✭✭

    I want to thank both Jon and Jacobs for responding to my post. Reading Jon "test" makes me feel better and make the "Big Step" easy.

    As you good older in life (I'm 85), you want to make things as easy one can.


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