I cannot change "Financial Institution" in Account Details?

I found this topic already from 2019 but it was not helpful. I cannot change the Financial Institution in Account Details. I deactivating this account because it stop downloading. Even though it had been connected for years. When I try to reconnect this account online, Quicken wants to connect to Synchrony Bank Credit Cards , but I really need to connect to Sam's Club which I know is associated with Synchrony Bank. But the Synchrony website does not recognize my login. I should be able to just remove the Financial Institution to start the Activation over again.
What do you mean by "cannot change "'Financial Institution"' in Account Details? Typically deactivating an Account from downloading allows you access to that box, either deleting the name all together or typing in a different name. Are you saying that this doesn't happen here, that "Synchrony Bank Credit Cards" (assumed to be in that box when you deactivate) cannot be changed?
And, what do you mean by "Quicken wants to connect to Synchrony Bank Credit Cards"? Is that because you can't delete "Synchrony Bank Credit Cards" in that box, or because Quicken somehow automatically enters "Synchrony Bank Credit Cards" in that field when you click on "Set up Now…"?
You say "I really need to connect to Sam's Club which I know is associated with Synchrony Bank" but as far as I can see there are only two explicit "Sam's Club" entries in the fidir.txt and they both are Discover Cards:
25212 25212 25212 Sam's Club Discover Card - Consu https://samsclub.syf.com/ 1-866-220-0254 https://samsclub.syf.com/dsec-login/?clientId=sams ACTIVE CREDIT,ACCOUNTINFO&EXP-WEB-CONNECT NOT_QBP NA
21057 21057 21057 Sam's Club Personal Credit Accou https://samsclub.syf.com/ 1-770-433-8211 https://samsclub.syf.com/dsec-login/?clientId=sams ACTIVE CREDIT,ACCOUNTINFO&EXP-WEB-CONNECT NOT_QBP NA
I'd sort of expect that a Sam's Club credit card would be issued by Synchrony but maybe you've got the wrong "Synchrony"? From the fidir.txt file there's several Synchronys, though the third one shown below appears to be mis-formed, and maybe that's the problem here?:
04537 04537 04537 Synchrony Bank Credit Cards https://www.synchronybank.com/ 1-866-419-4096 https://auth.synchronybank.com/account/login ACTIVE CREDIT&WEB-CONNECT BANKING,CREDIT,ACCOUNTINFO&EXP-WEB-CONNECT NOT_QBP NA
67350 67350 67350 Synchrony Financial Mastercard https://www.synchronycredit.com/eSecurity/Login/login.action?clientId=gemoney&accountType=dualcard&langId=en NAhttps://www.synchronycredit.com/eSecurity/Login/login.action?clientId=gemoney&accountType=dualcard&langId=en ACTIVE CREDIT,ACCOUNTINFO&EXP-WEB-CONNECT NOT_QBP NA
67467 67467 67467 Synchrony Mastercard https://mastercard.syf.com/login/ 1-844-876-1879 https://www.synchronycredit.com/eSecurity/Login/login.action?clientId=tru&accountType=dualcard&langId=en ACTIVE ACCOUNTINFO,CREDIT&EXP-WEB-CONNECT NOT_QBP NA0 -
Please try this:
Go into Edit Account Details / Online Services tab. Verify that this account is no longer activated (shows a Setup button instead of a Deactivate button). Deactivate if needed.
Go into the General tab. Blank out the Financial Institution Name. Save the change.
Close Quicken.
Wait about 30 seconds then restart Quicken.
Make sure you have a backup of your Quicken data file (or create one).
Select Tools / Add Account or click the "+" icon in the Account Sidebar title.
Do as if you want to add a new credit card account, select Sam's Club as the financial institution name.
Follow prompts to add userid and password.
When you get to the list of accounts found at the bank, be sure to select LINK and, from a mini popup, select the correct account register for your credit card. Be sure to link correctly or you'll end up with an unwanted new account register.
When done adding, review the account register. You may have to locate and delete duplicate (re-)downloaded transactions.
When done cleaning up, you should be able to reconcile your register to the latest monthly statement ending balance.0 -
Sorry, I should have been more clear. You cannot highlight, edit or delete the Financial Institution even if you deactivate the Online Services. I am running the most current version. I can edit other Financial Institutions that are not setup or have never been setup for Online Services.
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I just fixed it! I ran the Validate and Repair File. That fixed the issue and I now can edit the Financial Institution.