Custom date transaction filter enhancement

bob2021 Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
edited May 12 in Display/UI

NOTE: This is not about "Windows Classic", but even though I was in the …post/idea/quicken-classic page, when I went to select "Ideas for Mac Classic", it was greyed out and inaccessible. I will save this post and then try to change the category. If that doesn't work, I ask a moderator to do so. thanks

I periodically want to get a list of transactions over a very recent date period. After choosing "Custom Dates…", the Start date is of my first transaction, and the End date is the last day of the year.

I'd recommend the Start and End dates both be set to today's date; that would then allow one to select, typically (just) the Start and End days (and not month or year), and key in the date of interest, or click the calendar pop up and have the current month already shown, rather than far away dates.

I currently key in "t" for today on both the Start and End dates, to get me in the ballpark, and that's not a terrible extra amount of effort, but I'm guessing many people are after setting recent Start and End dates more often than not. I could be wrong.

[Moved to Mac Classic Section]

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  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I'll respectfully disagree. When you select Custom Dates, the default is from the January 1 of the current year to today, and I think that's the best starting place more times than not.

    As you note, you can press one keystroke, 't', to change the date range to today-through-today if that's where you want to start. If you often want to look at the past week, or the current month, you may find it useful to commit one or two additional keyboard shortcuts to memory:

    Since the end date of a custom range defaults to today, in the start date field pressing T M gets you the first date of the current month. (Pressing M again decrements the month each time you press it — so T M M M gets you the first day of two months ago.) Or pressing T < < gets you to two weeks ago.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993