Problem adding Vanguard account to Quicken for Mac version 7.7.1

givley Quicken Mac Subscription Member

When I add my Vanguard brokerage account to Quicken it only shows 3 of my 4 Vanguard holdings. It used to show all 4, not sure when this changed. Tried deleting and re-adding the account and same thing happens. How can I fix this?


  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 14

    what’s different with the 4th holding ?

  • givley
    givley Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    To the best of my knowledge nothing - there are 4 different mutual funds in the portfolio and one doesn't show up. oh, and I missed a spell-check error in the original post, "reading" should have be re-entering, or perhaps re-adding would be more accurate.

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    So - you have a single Vanguard account, with 4 mutual funds in that account -
    is this a normal Vanguard brokerage account,
    or the older legacy "Mutual Fund" account ?
    or an IRA or ??

    What do you see when you display the Quicken Security List -
    and click on that "not showing" mutual fund symbol ?

    You also mentioned that all 4 used to show - but then the 4th one just stopped ??
     It used to show all 4, not sure when this changed. 

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @givley Just to make sure I'm following along correctly: you have one brokerage account at Vanguard with four securities, but only three are showing in your Quicken Portfolio. If you look at the Transactions tab, are there any transactions for the missing security (Buy? Sell? Remove Shares?) And you're saying that the total market value of your Portfolio in Quicken is off from the total when you log onto, by the amount of this missing security?

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • givley
    givley Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    You are correct, including on the total - the total in Quicken is correct for the 3 funds listed but not the account when you log into Vanguard as see all 4 funds. The transactions tab is grayed out, perhaps because there have been no transactions since I deleted and re-added the account yesterday.

  • givley
    givley Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    It is a normal Vanguard Brokerage Account, not an IRA or legacy account. I don't see the "not showing" symbol but the security list does have the Vanguard fund that is not showing - it just isn't checked in the currently holding column like the other 3 funds.

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @givley I forget: does Vanguard offer a way to download transactions as a QFX file? If so, it might be an interesting experiment to download a QFX file from the past month or since the first of the year. Don't try to import it into Quicken at this point, as it might mess things up, just open the QFX file in TextEdit and search through to see if the missing security shows up in the QFX file.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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