Can an account use multi currency on Mac ?

I have a US account that connects and downloads successfully, but I now have some transactions in Euro currency in that same account. The transactions download, but are of course in $ rather than Euro. Is there any way to have an account recognize multi currency on Quicken Deluxe running on the Mac platform ?
No, you can only have one currency per account. What kind of account lets you conduct transactions in multiple currencies? The closest I’ve gotten to that is with foreign transactions on credit cards but even there the cards have converted the transactions back to US $ so multiple currency support wasn’t needed.
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It's a brokerage account, so some securities are foreign own stocks and dividends are paid in the local (Euro in this case) currency. As the broker holds $ and Eur separately, reconciling the account is becoming a challenge as a simple exchange to $ does not balance.
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I should note that additional support is planned for multiple currencies, but we don't know what exactly that's going to look like or when it will be done.
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Even if Quicken Mac gets "true multiple-currency support" it's is never going to get multiple currencies in the same account. Even Quicken Windows Canadian which has the best multiple currency support of all the versions of Quicken doesn't have that.
The main reason this is true is because if an account was to have multiple currency support in a given account, then every value would have to be treated like "securities" are right now where you have both an amount and a currency.
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