American Express Banking not connecting - CC-502 (QWIN)



  • TCL Peter Rabbit
    TCL Peter Rabbit Member ✭✭

    got past the CC-502 but Quicken now reports the problem is their error - see screenshot. tech support says the problem has been escalated. I also reported the problem through Quicken.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    This is what I saw yesterday after having it work. Never had the CC-502, but this now seems the state of the connection.

  • levy76
    levy76 Member ✭✭

    I just got off the phone with a representative from American Express Savings and posed the question about the connection issue that we have been experiencing. Without hesitation, the representative told me that in order to secure their customer's information, AMEX is no longer allowing 3rd parties (i.e. Quicken) to directly access their system on behalf of their users. Moving forward, the only option will be to download transactions and then upload to Quicken.

    I imagine that this solution is not going to be acceptable to Quicken users.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    As suggested above, this particular answer is highly suspect given that it seems that the issue is under investigation. Even if this were somehow true, it would be odd inasmuch as American Express, the company, allows Quicken access for credit cards, using EWC+. I did a sync today and it was fine. So, it would be strange to implement this "security" feature only for the Banking portion and allow access for the Credit Cards.

  • stefanrohde
    stefanrohde Member ✭✭
    edited July 2

    So it's been close to a week and it's still not working for anybody. I will give it another 2 days and then take action. Since Amex and Quicken are pointing fingers at each other, the only viable action would be both, dump Quicken as well as close my Amex accounts. That should get rid of the problem.

  • jtkoss
    jtkoss Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    I have been having connection problems with AMEX from day one. Sometimes it works, other times not. It's very frustrating.

  • JB20
    JB20 Member ✭✭

    I'm having the same problem with my AMEX Savings accounts. This has been a periodic issue for me but this time it seems to be more serious. AMEX tech support swears that they do not support direct downloads to Quicken even though they have been doing so for at least the last 5 years or so. Quicken Support says that the ball is in AMEX's court. It seems to be a push with no end in sight. I pay a lot of money for Quicken and I hope that they are actively working with AMEX to resolve this issue.

  • Dickey
    Dickey Member ✭✭
    edited July 3


  • Jnic
    Jnic Member ✭✭✭

    The situation appears to be that Quicken tech folks cannot fix this. Apparently, AMEX is saying that the bank does not; or does not want to, support Quicken downloads. So, my question… "isn't it time for Quicken management to remove AMEX from the list of supported banks? " Then those of us that have credit card/savings accounts at AMEX can close whichever account is least important to us and end the madness. Finger pointing just doesn't help.

  • joekivel
    joekivel Member ✭✭✭

    Today after 7 days not being able to 'Reauthorize' and download transactions I downloaded a QFX file and tried to import it into Quicken and got a Quicken Error which I assume is because Express Web is turned on in 'Online' and can't be turned off without 'Reauthorization'.

    Had to use copy & paste on AmEx web site to get transactions and reconcile my account. I have spent way too much time on this. Quicken is supposed to simplify financial account management which isn't this.

  • Scott Saylor
    Scott Saylor Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭✭

    History - American Express Financial Savings Bank was created after the financial collapse of 2007 that led to the recession from 2007-2009. The single most contributing factor was corporate re-packaging of high risk mortgages as investment products. Almost anyone could qualify for a home mortgage (due to lack of regulation) and as these loans began to default, it became apparent that these products we never going to meet they projected performance. Goldman Sachs was one of the largest investment companies contributing to the collapse (yes, the same Goldman Sachs that Apple uses for Card Services - I had some serious second thoughts about applying the an Apple Card!).

    Anyway, surviving credit card companies needed to recover quickly and most applied to be come a bank. Among other benefits, being a "bank" provides for FDIC insurance on customer deposits. American Express Financial Savings Bank was right there and kept it very separate from Card Services. SO it has ALWAYS been the orphan from America n Express Card Service.

    It's nice to see them integrating Savings init the American Express Suite of products with this single sign on, but they are clearly limiting functionality by no longer supporting Quicken Connect American Express FBS into Card Services. As they say, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" so if Quicken Personal Savings customers make enough noise, they may see the error of their ways.

  • JB20
    JB20 Member ✭✭

    I also tried to download a Quicken file from the AMEX Savings website. I was able to load it however every transaction was treated as a deposit. So there is obviously an issue with that approach too. Im wondering why no one from Quicken is commenting here on this issue.

  • pippy
    pippy Member ✭✭✭

    JB20 and others who haven't seen it, the official Quicken posting acknowledging this problem is in the Known Product Issues section, although there is no status update since the posting on 7/1.

  • starunit
    starunit Member ✭✭

    Yup, me too.
    I have both a card and savings account. The card's account has been connecting just fine. Now the Savings will not reauthorize.
    I've logged in to the AMEX website: Quicken has been authorized twice, but I cannot see details regarding which account is which.
    One authorization is from 2023, the other from 2024-07-01. I'm assuming the later one is for the banking (savings) account.
    I'm not surprised at all. Whenever Quicken updates connection methods they seem to not do in-depth testing before rolling it out.

    I'll wait a few more days for this to be resolved. Like they did with Chase, it'll probably take a week or so.

  • David Hurlburt
    David Hurlburt Member ✭✭

    Same issue earlier last week and still today.

  • XTC
    XTC Member ✭✭

    Same issue. Was getting the SMS verification prompt for about a week and now it doesn't work at all and gives me the error.

  • XTC
    XTC Member ✭✭

    Update - I was just able to successfully link my savings accounts in Quicken to AMEX - Banking. It asked for the SMS verification when setting up the accounts and then once linked, it asked for an SMS verification again to download transactions. Transactions then downloaded without an error. I used File - New Quicken File - New Quicken Account to accomplish this.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭

    Good for you, @XTC !

    Please let us know if you try and update later today or tomorrow (sometimes SMS is only once a day for me) if it asks for SMS verification again. Thanks.

  • JB20
    JB20 Member ✭✭

    Still doesn't work for me

  • Joseph Simanek
    Joseph Simanek Member ✭✭

    Thanks XTC. Worked for me as well this morning just as you described it.

  • joekivel
    joekivel Member ✭✭✭

    Not sure what SMS has to do with it. The problem started for me when Quicken notified me that they were changing the connection method for AmEx Savings to Web Express+ and I needed to "Reauthorize" my login. Every attempt to do so failed with an error message stating the "American Express Web site was temporarily unavailable." As a result, I have been unable to download transactions. Today is the 8th day since this started without resolution.

  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭

    SMS now, after authorizing, asks at least once a day if not more to send a verification code and enter it when received. Its a pain in the ascii.

    Unsure if everyone sees this or just some of us.

  • MGB
    MGB Member ✭✭

    So as of Today, 7-4-2024 i was able to go thru the process of setting up online with american express, except that it did not show my Credit card account, only my 2 savings accounts. When i try to do the credit card by itself it tells me i need to Authorize my accounts, and when i follow the link to do that i get a TIME OUT or CONNECTION ERROR.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭
    edited July 4

    As others have reported, I was able to reconnect my account. It asked for SMS authorization to connect and again to sync. I closed Quicken and opened again, but it did not ask this time. I will be trying again tomorrow to see if it wants SMS.

    From my reading here, if it routinely asks for verification, this implies use of Express Web Connect, which is less secure. If they had switched/do switch to Express Web Connect+, it should not ask for verification.

    Looking at the account, it explicitly says Express Web Connect, and not Express Web Connect+. So it does seem to be using the less secure interface at present.

  • JB20
    JB20 Member ✭✭

    For those of you that had success did you have to use a New Quicken File or did it connect to your existing file?

  • Joseph Simanek
    Joseph Simanek Member ✭✭

    Hi JB20. Mine connected to an existing file. I did not have to use a New Quicken File or New Account. It connected up to my Existing Account and to the Quicken file I always use. Hope you have success.

  • brpqkn
    brpqkn Member ✭✭

    Same as @Joseph Simanek , I was able to reauthorize in the existing account.

  • Papoon
    Papoon Unconfirmed ✭✭✭

    No change for me. Windows user, only have banking, no CC. Connect to "American Express - Banking", receive SMS, resolves to CC-502. Connect to "American Express Web Connect" and get Sorry. We encountered an error. (It's not your fault.). Connect to "American Express" and get browser tab (with oauth in the URL) that says Sorry! We're unable to complete your request at this time. Please try again later. So I'm still 0 for 3.

  • iusdcm1
    iusdcm1 Member ✭✭
    edited July 4

    I was also able to reconnect my Amex savings acct and it did not ask for the code again when I subsequently updated.
    we will see what tomorrow brings.

    Update: now later in the day it is requiring the SMS code to update again, ugh!

  • Roger Starr
    Roger Starr Member ✭✭✭

    @Quicken Anja I just got free time to do a "Report a problem". Unfortunately, I could not upload a sanitized data file as my QDF is >200MB. I certainly hope that the software team can fix this quickly.

This discussion has been closed.