Copy / Paste / Category List / Void Transaction

Gene Wentzel
Gene Wentzel Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
edited July 6 in Display/UI


Quicken is unique in the way it allows users thru Preferences to choose how CTRL-C and CTRL-V operate. That's nice, but not optimal.

I need to Copy / Paste as much as I want to open the Categories List and Void transactions probably 50-50. So, I'm always digging thru the menu's to find and change this setting.

My suggestion is for the software to always catch CTRL-C and CTRL-V inputs and have a window open and display clickable links, "COPY" and "Open Categories", or "PASTE" and "VOID TRANSACTION" and allow the user to make that decision on the fly.

It can be even smarter and make the correct assumption by testing: if something is selected and the user inputs CTRL-C, clearly there is high confidence that the user is trying to Copy, if nothing is selected, then there's nothing to Copy, so most-likely the user is attempting to open the Categories. Something similar can be programmed for Paste (but this would be as clear). Is something on the clipboard? Paste. If nothing on the clipboard then Void. Personally, I like the first suggestion better, but just thinking out loud.

Gene Wentzel

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  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 6

    To change the mapping of Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V, go to Edit > Preferences > Setup and for Keyboard mappings select Windows Standard.

    With that mapping, you can get to the Category List with Ctrl-Shft-C. To void a transaction, right-click on it and select Void transaction(s).

    QWin Premier subscription