Sidebar Total is always in RED, even when it's a positive value -- why not GREEN?

CartoonHead Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

It seems like some people see the "Total" in the side bar as "Net Worth". I can't find where to set that, but really "Total" and "Net Worth" are essentially the same thing. The problem is, that value is ALWAYS RED, even when it's a positive amount. I have to remind myself that the absence of a negative is why it's good.

In this example I used current balances to show a total that is negative. The total Property & Debt is bigger than the total Banking. The total shows the Total in RED, as I would expect.

I switch it to show projected balances, where other property values are going up so it exceeds the debt. The total is now positive… yet it's still showing the value in RED. I would have expected it to change to GREEN, or at least white, so it's a visual indicator that I'm at a net positive.

Is there a reason why it's always staying RED? Is there some setting I have to do to change this Sidebar total to "Net Worth" in order to make that happen?

I am using the macOS version 7.8.1 (Build 708.53916.100)



  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    The Total at the bottom of the left sidebar used to be called "Net Worth", but they changed it to "Total" because you can control settings such whether the sidebar does or doesn't display closed or hidden accounts. The Total also converts non-home currency accounts to your home currency, even if those accounts are shown in their native currency in the sidebar. And you can set the sidebar to show Projected Balance rather than Today's Balance. Any of those things might make the sidebar Total different than the Net Worth reported in a report or Dashboard.

    That said, I don't know why your Total is in red rather than black (or white in dark mode). Green is not used in the sidebar to denote positive values; values are either red or black/white. But negative values in red also show a minus sign, and your screen doesn't show a minus sign. When I set me Quicken to dark mode, the Total value is positive and white; if I make a dummy entry to reduce the total to a negative value, it is in red with a minus sign — both as expected. I don't ever see a Total which is red but without a minus sign.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited July 16

    The Total number's color is tied to the current balance. If current balance is negative while projected balance is positive, the Total will be red regardless of which one is displayed. And if it's the other way around the value will not be red regardless of which is displayed. Probably a bug in the code setting the text color. Here's a case where current is positive while projected is negative; projected is displayed but the total is not in red:

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