Any significant advantage to using an ANNUAL Rollover Reserve?

Does anyone use the Year-to-Year Rollover Reserve amount when they create a Budget for a new year and find it gives them any significant reporting or tracking advantages?

I absolutely love that rollover feature for WITHIN the year reporting and tracking. But when becomes a new year it seems to just feel cleaner to start with a fresh "zero-based" new year.

How do you all use the Rollover Reserve feature when it comes to budgeting for a new year? Thanks.

Best Answers

  • Scooterlam
    Scooterlam SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    Answer ✓

    I don't carry over reserves into the new year. I do a review on the current year's over / under and consider it for the next year's fresh budget, a sort of lessons learned exercise.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would have to say that the reason why somebody might want it to roll over to the next year is that they just think of budgeting continuously instead of being separated by a year. It is sort of like how some people seem to think that budget should be separated by a period like their paycheck. But in fact their bills won't come up that way because they're a lot of them are monthly maybe some of them are twice a year some of them are yearly. I think it's pretty uncommon but I can think of like property tax where it might be split between two years and therefore you might want to just continue on in that category.

    One I do think is missing is a quick way to reset for the next year or maybe even at a given month or something for different people. I believe right now you have to do it one category at a time.

    This is my website:


  • Scooterlam
    Scooterlam SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    Answer ✓

    I don't carry over reserves into the new year. I do a review on the current year's over / under and consider it for the next year's fresh budget, a sort of lessons learned exercise.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would have to say that the reason why somebody might want it to roll over to the next year is that they just think of budgeting continuously instead of being separated by a year. It is sort of like how some people seem to think that budget should be separated by a period like their paycheck. But in fact their bills won't come up that way because they're a lot of them are monthly maybe some of them are twice a year some of them are yearly. I think it's pretty uncommon but I can think of like property tax where it might be split between two years and therefore you might want to just continue on in that category.

    One I do think is missing is a quick way to reset for the next year or maybe even at a given month or something for different people. I believe right now you have to do it one category at a time.

    This is my website:
  • JVC10028
    JVC10028 Member

    Thank you both for this very helpful information!

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