Schwab - wrong transaction dates



  • K123
    K123 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Ditto. No change. Four months. No progress.

    Attn Quicken: I implore you to stop the finger pointing at Schwab, etc. and fix the problem. This is your product, and we are paying you, so Quicken is ultimately responsible for the fix.

    Request (again) an update on the issue.

  • Wil
    Wil Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Darn. Was hoping it was the DST thing. Trying not to complain … but this is ridiculous.

    Nothing but foot dragging & finger pointing from these two (Schwab & Quicken). Look at this board! Months of serious people taking the time to report and share details about this issue … writing in to elevate it … those with coding skills trying to help illustrate and troubleshoot the problem … all we want is a FIX NOW.

    I am doing my bit … transferring an account from Schwab to Fidelity.

  • Rick8
    Rick8 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Same with my Monday 11-4 transactions, divs, etc. all dated Sunday 11-3-24. Quicken needs to fix this now.

  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Bill44 Some questions for you. Can anyone access these Schwab APIs, or only limited users specifically approved by Schwab? How difficult is to get approved, if that is the case? Also, are you accessing from a C# .NET application? Does Schwab docs provide sample usage docs for this?

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  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Took a real quick look at downloading data manually from and transferring to Quicken.

    There appears to be no easy way to do this. None of the export formats of transaction history - .CSV, JSON, XML - can be imported into Quicken. Even if one could write a program to translate the data from the Schwab [CSV,JSON,XML] formats into a .QFX or .QIF file for Quicken ( and this would be no easy task ), when importing the data into Quicken, it will end up in the register, not in the 'downloaded transactions list'. And multiple imports of the same data will result in duplicate register entries.

    Schwab should at least support exporting to the industry standard OFX format, it does not appear to do so.

    Quicken should support importing from the industry standard OFX format also - not clear if it does.
    (Quicken QFX is a minor extension of OFX, so possibly renaming an OFX file to QFX file and importing may work - I don't have a way to test this.)

    Note: This was only quick look. Many people may have more extensive knowledge of these transfer methods.

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  • Bill44
    Bill44 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Schwab access is at:

    Charles Schwab Developer Portal

    You can use whatever language you would like. .net as well as many others.

    Check out schwab-py. This would provide help. It talks about a python interface. The help pretty much applies to all languages.

    This would be the easiest if starting from scratch.

    Member since 1984. 
    Quicken Premier.
  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @Bill44 . Will try to give it a shot when I have some time.

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  • smutschler
    smutschler Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I thought I'd share my download matching technique, for those who may not have discovered this semi-workaround. This works whether you enter transactions manually into the register before downloading (and then using "Match" to the entries) or whether you use the download to create the transactions in your register. I will address each method separately.

    1. Manual entry followed by download and Match: In this case your downloaded brokerage transactions will show as "Near Match" due to the date difference. If you Accept a Near Match, the system will change the date on your register transaction to the incorrect date from the download. So, instead, select a downloaded transaction, which will highlight the near matching transaction in the register. Change the reconciliation field (drop down) on the register transaction to "Cleared". Now, click on the Edit button beneath the downloaded transaction (in the download panel) and select "Delete" on the pop-up menu. This deletes the downloaded transaction while simultaneously recording your reconciled (now "matched") register transaction (as if you had pressed the Return key).
    2. If using the download to create your register transactions: Select a downloaded transaction. This will create the transaction in the bottom register line. The transaction will have the reconciliation field set to "Cleared", as it should. Manually alter the date on the transaction (to one day later of course). Now, click on the Edit button beneath the downloaded transaction (in the download panel) and select "Delete" on the pop-up menu. This deletes the downloaded transaction while simultaneously recording your newly created register transaction (as if you had pressed the Return key).

    Yes, it is a pain in the butt workaround with a few extra mouse clicks, but it results in a correctly dated transaction in the register that does not need to be edited again.

  • K123
    K123 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Reply to smutschler: Your matching technique #2 is what I've been doing. It's annoying having to do the manual deletions of the downloaded entries, but at least I don't have to go back in and edit the register transaction again.

  • Rick8
    Rick8 Member ✭✭✭✭



  • ronwalter
    ronwalter Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭



  • Stu
    Stu Member ✭✭✭✭



    Would it help for us to apply pressure to Schwab? Give us some guidance.

  • vaporchemist
    vaporchemist Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I think we should ask for an extension on our subscriptions given this huge inconvenience. Perhaps seeing some lost dollars will stimulate some activity.

  • malloc
    malloc Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    My subscription is up at the end of the month, I plan on bringing this bug up when im forced to call support to cancel the auto renewal.

  • smutschler
    smutschler Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭



  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @smutschler , I have been using 2 - with the exception that I
    a) change the date,
    b) specify the lots if needed,
    c) accept the transaction into the register, then
    d) delete the transaction in the download list (which should have a 'near match' at this point).

    In my Quicken Classic Deluxe Windows, Quicken will not let me do step d before step c like you seem to be able to do. Perhaps you have a different version of Quicken?

    One side benefit of being forced to do this whole workaround is that the accepted transaction gets deleted in the download list, thus reducing clutter in that list. Which I like because I don't have to keep scrolling as much and which is a feature I have always wanted (i.e. a button to clear accepted transactions in the download). The only way before was to do another download, which then would clear the accepted transactions from the download list.

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • smutschler
    smutschler Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @veegee, I am using Quicken Classic Business and Personal, Windows.

    I have "Automatic Add Downloaded Transactions" set to OFF (for both banking and investments).

    I have automatic Lot choice set to "First Shares In for Equites" on all investment accounts, so I am never prompted for Lots on sales (when entering directly on a register line… may be prompted if entering in the larger, detailed transaction entry window).

  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @smutschler, ha the "automatic lot choice" may explain the different behavior (I always match the lots manually). Unless it the Quicken Deluxe' vs Quicken Business & Personal' version difference.

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  • Rick8
    Rick8 Member ✭✭✭✭

    HOW ABOUT IT QUICKEN - ANY UPDATE WOULD BE APPRECIATED. WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS TO WORK PROPERLY! Your record of transactions downloads working with Schwab over the past year is abysmal. Not even counting the debacle with them all last summer, but it never works perfectly more than 3 days in any given week!!! Lets get this fixed once and for all, PLEASE!

  • smutschler
    smutschler Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @veegee, I meant to get back to you regarding an earlier post where you said you had to "Download again" to clear Accepted download transactions. I don't understand or that sounds like a problem. After I have Accepted all the downloaded transactions, a DONE button at the bottom of the download window is enabled. Clicking that button clears all the transactions from the download list, leaving an empty window.

    Do you not see that DONE button? All remaining transactions in the download window have had to have been Accepted in order for it to appear.

  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @smutschler, After I have accepted all the transactions, yes, I can do Done. But it is during the process of accepting the transactions that this is an issue for me. It may not be an issue for most people since they may not have a large number of transactions.

    In my case, I have a large number of transactions that get downloaded (I am an active trader, and it is not unusual to have 40+ transactions downloaded per day). I accept transactions in time order, while matching them with entries on the Schwab website as well as my own tracking I do. This means I am scrolling up and down the downloaded list (because they are not in time order). It is very helpful if I can 'clear' the accepted transaction from the download list which will reduces the size of the download list. Having an accepted transaction in the download list has no value for me.

    Often times, I will do 're-download' in the middle of accepting the downloaded transactions - this tend to clear out the accepted ones and leave the ones still remaining to be accepted. But having a simple 'Clear Accepted' button will be so much a better option.

    Hopefully I have explained the situation well enough (?)

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • veegee
    veegee Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @smutschler , also, please note that my reply to your comment (and my other comments as well) often take a day or longer to appear publicly since * for some unknown reason * they have to be approved by the moderator first. No idea why I get such great special treatment :-), but whatever.

    BIO= Experience: BIO/details/experience, Education: BIO/details/education, Honors: BIO/details/honors, Skills: BIO/details/skills, Publications: BIO/details/publications, Patents: BIO/details/patents

  • Michael3442
    Michael3442 Member ✭✭✭

    Who owns Quicken? I did some sleuthing and it appears to be owned by the private equity company . A portfolio of companies shows up here: scroll down and you'll see Quicken. At the top click and click the first name which is scroll down on his page and click Portfolio Companies and scroll until Quicken appears, click Quicken for a little more information.

    What do we do with this information? Maybe someone here with a solid knowledge of our Quicken/Schwab problem should try to engage him. If he doesn't respond we can send him a few more emails and a few more after that and then escalate up the hierarchy.

  • ronwalter
    ronwalter Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2024


    Attached is a copy of an email I sent to Eric Dunn (CEO of Quicken) in early October. Since the email wasn't returned, I believe [Removed - Personal Information] is his correct email address - I haven't received any response

  • Larry Goodnight
    Larry Goodnight Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    Responding to @Michael3442. Very good email and thank you for sending. I'm in my 70's and have been using Quicken for over 30 years. I'm an active day trader and I too have seen the good and the ugly with Quicken. Right now all of us using Quicken struggle with the Schwab transaction download date issue being off by 1 day. No error should go on this long without being addressed. Seems no one is addressing this issue as we have very little information from Quicken. Hopefully something good will happen soon.

  • lkny
    lkny Member ✭✭

    I just got a notice from quicken regarding my upcoming renewal - with this problem going on for nearly 6 months?? suggestions??

  • ronwalter
    ronwalter Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭


    Several months ago, before my subscription renewed, I asked for some type of rebate and received a 2-month extension to my subscription.

    Given the problem still exists, I question whether that is adequate and plan to ask for an additional rebate.

  • Rick8
    Rick8 Member ✭✭✭✭

    If you do not ask, you do not get! At worst they will say no, and you are just where you are today! No leverage. That is the customer's problem with all subscription based programs!!!

  • K123
    K123 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2024

    If you go to the Quicken homepage, and click the "About Us" link at the bottom, it allows you to send a message to the "Office of the President." Not sure who that actually is, but I just fired off the following message:


    "Request your assistance with a four month old Quicken problem.

    Since July, a small but active community of Quicken users has been reporting and becoming increasingly frustrated by a Quicken error with respect to downloads from Charles Schwab. We have posted repeatedly on the Quicken Community Forums to no avail or resolution. It is disappointing that Quicken management seems to either be unaware or simply not care about the concerns of some its most loyal users.

    Supposedly, there is an open trouble ticket on this issue (Ticket 11228611) but there has been no meaningful response from any of the Quicken moderators since the issue was first reported IN JULY.

    Please review the SEVEN PAGES of comments on this issue at this link:

    Eagerly awaiting a coherent response. Hoping that CEO Mr. Eric Dunn will live up to his reputation: "Unlike many CEOs, Dunn can, and will, actually fix problems and add features himself. Dunn routinely rolls up his sleeves and writes code. Dunn, originally the fifth employee hired at Intuit to build Quicken, isn't simply a delegator. He's a doer. Since taking over at Quicken he has blocked off every Wednesday as his "coding day."

    Please help solve this frustrating problem.

    Thank you."

    Here is the link to the quoted sentences above:

  • Rick8
    Rick8 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Responding to @Michael3442. Aqualine may only be a minor investor. They are like a BDC and loan capital to various industries. It would have to be a major screw-up by Quicken for them to take any action.

This discussion has been closed.