Password Vault Hanging & InCorrect Bank Card IDs

justmakeitwork Member, Windows Beta, Canada Beta Beta

Similar to others here I have my password vault hanging. This issue started because I also have had accounts incorrectly associated with different BankCardIDs and I tried to reset the Password Vault.

I have tried the following…

  1. Delete Vault and All Saved Passwords (now it hangs on Create New Vault)
  2. Validated File
  3. Super Validated File
  4. Created Copy of File - This seemed to have corrected the issue, Password Vault Hanging

Question: If I start using the Copied File what data loss might I have?

Additional Notes

  • When I tried to make a copy it told me "You are not authorized to take this action. Please check creds or try a different action." Then I clicked OK and it proceeded to copy file.)
  • I did change the password on my vault 6 months ago. The Updates were still running even though the Password Vault would hang.

Correcting Bank Card IDs

Moving on to correcting the Bank Connection Data, I see there are some articles on how to do this however they all are ending in 404 errors. Please provide the new link to the article below.

Sherlock provides this link in this post

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