Auto categorize rules

Thomas Swidler
Thomas Swidler Member ✭✭✭

I would love to have the ability to create Auto categorize rules based on a word in the transaction title or specific amount.

Examples for my way of operating:

Any transaction title which includes the word "Fee amount" I like to auto categorize as a Bank Charges.

I have some Paypal transactions coming in from my e-commerce store which have very specif amounts. For example $749.95 would be categorized as a course income.

I wish Paypal e-commerce would allow you to specify more information which can be passed on to Quicken.

1 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated

While there isn't an option to create category rules, see Chris_QPW's comment below for how to use renaming rules and memorized transactions to get the same effect.


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭

    In a downloaded transaction, the only "text" is the payee and the memo. Current renaming rules allow you to rename the payee based on that information. Once the payee is renamed to something unique, you can then use a memorized payee for that unique payee name and give it whatever category you want. Note in the renaming rule you should go into it and select "If payee contains" (which also searches the memo field) instead of "if Quicken name is".

    This is my website: