Expansion of tag field in transaction views

kbtagain Quicken Mac Subscription Member
edited August 2024 in Display/UI

When viewing transactions that are "split" to various tags, the column view on the display is too short to display the entire tag name that I have created. I AM REQUESTING THAT YOU EXPAND THE FIELD LEGNTH IN THE VIEW OF A SPLIT TRANSACTION TO ALLOW FOR A LONGER AND COMPLETE TAG NAME TO BE DISPLAYED. IT WOULD ALSO BE NICE TO SEE ONLY THE PORTIONS OF SPLIT TRANSACTIONS FOR A PARTICULAR TAG. Let's say I want to review all Tags for General Spending: Rx Health and Beauty Related. Right now the display includes ALL splits for each transaction. I WOULD LIKE THE ABILITY TO SEE ONLY THE specific TAG I am looking for.

I use a version of Quicken Mac to monitor transactions made my my Aunt during the course of the year. I am her court appointed Conservator and have oversight over all of her financial accounts and spending. My Categories are broken down into various buckets for Merchants and Vendors where I track both purchases and returns separately. For Example categories are created as per below:

Shopping: Costco

Shopping: Costco - Returns

Shopping: Target

Shopping: Target - Returns

I then use the tags listed above (in the second screenshot I attached) to break the details of the transactions (both purchases and returns) into the Tags listed. One receipt for a $250 purchase may be broken down into multiple tags and one receipt for a $50 return transaction may be broken down into "credits" for multiple Tags. I use the the categories of Shopping: "Vendor Name" in order to group all the transactions into separate summary totals for the Vendor (both purchases and returns). In the case of Costco there may me multiple Payees in the credit card file downloaded to Quicken such as Costco - Wyoming, Costco - Grandville, Costco - Kentwood etc based on the physical location where transaction took place. Using my categories allows me to "group" ALL Costco Purchases and ALL Costco Returns into totals.

[Removed - Personal Information]

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  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2024

    @kbtagain It's not just the Tags field on the Splits screen which is too small; Notes is too small for my use, and sometimes both Transfer and Category would benefit from being larger. You also can't enlarge them, as you can enlarge columns in the main register display. You also can't re-arrange them, or hide them.

    I believe the Split screen should be re-coded to simply follow the column visibility, order and width of the register. There is an existing Idea thread for this request.

    It has been marked as "Under Consideration", which means it has received enough votes to be forwarded to the developers, but the developers have not yet agreed to implement the change and assign it a time on their development schedule. More votes for an Idea can help push it up on their radar, so I suggest you add your vote (and, optionally, copy-and-paste your comment there.)

    You have another feature request in your post: the ability to search for and display only the splits which match your search term. Search in a register returns only transactions, not individual split lines. This is a request for a different type of Search result which could mix non-split main transactions and split lines of split transacitons in one list of results. This would also allow the search results total to be the total only for the matching lines which match the Search term, instead of entire transactions containing the Search term. You might want to add your vote for this Idea thread which relates to that:

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @kbtagain Just re-reading your post, I have a comment/possible suggestion about your organization of transactions you're tracking.

    I'm not sure why you use the Category field for each individual merchant/vendor. The Payee field already does that for you. If you used Categories for the things you're now doing in tags, you would be able to do reporting on by Payee and by Category, without the use of Tags with very long names.

    In your example, you'd have either two Payees (Costco and Target) if you could track the returns as sub-categories, or four if you needed separate Payees for the returns. Then you could have categories with sub-categories for each of the things you're currently tracking as Tags. What you're doing with Tags is what Categories is intended to do.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993