Error in "Ave Annual Return" report

Windows 10. Classic Premier version R58.9. Select: Reports>Investing>Investment Performance. Select "Subtotal" and select "Security". Select "Show Detail". The heading of the rightmost column is "Ave Annual Return". By definition, the Average Annual Return" requires dates and amounts of each dividend and interest income. However, for most (but not all) of my listed securities, the dates and amounts of any dividends are not shown and thus (undoubtedly) are not included in the calculations. They all are in my database, however, and thus should have been used. These omissions cause false average annual return numbers.


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If a dividend or interest income transaction comes into Quicken as a ReinvDiv or ReinvInt then those transactions won't be listed out in the performance report because they happen on the same day. In that case the entire calculation is based on the beginning and ending values, which include those transactions.

    Is that what you're seeing here?

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 25

    If the customization for the report includes the "No Security (includes Cash)" selection, then regular dividends or interest received are also included in the Ending Value. As such those transactions also do not get listed in the report but their effect on performance is included.