Format of Reports after upgraded to Quicken Classic for MAC 7.9.0

Morgo Member ✭✭
edited August 27 in Reports (Mac)

Using macOS 13.5.1 and after the upgrade to Quicken V 7.9.0 (build 709.54520.100) last week, the format of the reports has changed. Changing paper size and/or using the "Scale to Fit" does not help to format the report correctly. It seems as if the margins are too big. I have run the exact same report (saved version pre upgrade) and the report with V 7.9.0 and the margins are clearly different. Is there a solution?


  • Morgo
    Morgo Member ✭✭

    Need to edit this….Changing Paper Size and/or using the "Scale to Fit" does not help to format the report correctly.

  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 27

    Fixed your post as requested.

    It looks to me like the report is not centered correctly on the page. There's plenty of margin on the left & top, but it runs off the edge on the right. This is with scale to fit selected:

    I would encourage you to report this via the "Report a Problem" option on the Help menu. Attach copies of reports saved to PDF as examples.

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 28

    I can see this problem, too. It's odd, since nothing in the 7.9 update had to do with reports.

    I filed a report using Help > Report a Problem, and included a PDF of a report created in 7.8 and in 7.9 to illustrate the difference between them. Others should do the same. Hopefully this will be brought to the attention of the Quicken Mac development team so they can implement a fix in short order.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken_ChrisC
    Quicken_ChrisC Employee ✭✭✭

    Hello! Thanks for reporting the problem!

    I can confirm that the issue is indeed that Quicken is shifting the printed content down and to the right.

    The macOS APIs that Quicken uses for getting the print margins always return a hard-coded value of half an inch. Editing the margins in a custom paper size, for example, don't affect the values returned by those APIs.

    The problem introduced in 7.9.0 is shifting the printed content by the amount of the top and left margins, basically doubling those top and left margins and pushing the right and bottom edges to the very edge of the paper (which is usually cut off by printers that can't print all the way to the edge). If you choose the "Scale to fit […] pages wide" option in the Print sheet, it will actually cause the printed content to be pushed beyond the edges of the paper.

    We've got a fix ready for 7.9.1.

    As a workaround in the meantime, as long as you don't choose the "Scale to fix […] pages wide" option, you can click the "PDF" pop-up in the Print sheet and choose "Open in Preview" and then print that preview, and adjust the Scale setting to choose "(*) Scale to Fit: (*) Print Entire Image" to ensure that nothing is cut off by the printer. It's not ideal (you've still got the enormous top and left margins) but that's the best workaround I can think of for now!

    Thanks again! And sorry again. ;)

    • Chris

  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    7.9.1 is out now with this fix.