Search box for Bill and Income Reminders

The Bill and Income Reminders window (from the "Manage Bills and Income" button) would benefit from a Search box at the top, just like "Account List" has.
I find the Bill and Income Reminders feature to be a very useful place to manage upcoming and recurring events. As a result, my list is quite long, making it tedious and time consuming to find a Reminder that I wish to inspect or edit.
A Search box at the top of this window would be quite useful.
Thank you.
Reminders are intended to be used for recurring bills, income, and transfers. For me that is about 50 reminders. Quicken already provides several ways to view and manage your Reminders. I find the Stack view and the Manage Manual Bills and Income button on the Bills & Income tab most useful. You can sort the table behind the button by Payee or date. Improvements have been proposed in other Ideas but I have never felt the need for a search box.
Can you please let us know how many Reminders you have and give an example of how you use them for one-time events?
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Since I use Quicken almost every day, I find it convenient to put important upcoming events in the Bills and Income reminder window. I now have about 200 reminders. Some examples of one-time events are:
- my auto inspection is due in six months
- my passport is expiring in two years
- the driveway needs resealing
I know these are not Bills & Deposits, but it works great for these reminders. Except when I need to look for one.
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This may not work for you, but I find the free Google Calendar and its accompanying Tasks app very useful for this sort of non-financial reminders.
The calendar synchs with my phone and wife's calendar and phone so we can both tell what is happening. If you use Gmail and you give permission, upcoming events like plane flights and hotel stays are automatically added to the calendar.
Tasks can have one-time or repeating due dates like your examples, or they can be like a simple to-do list. Tasks with a due date are shown on the calendar along with the events you have scheduled. You can create multiple task lists (one for home projects and separate ones for other projects for example), you can add a description to each task, and you can create sub-tasks if you want.
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@Jim_Harman Thanks for the suggestion. Google is already reading my emails. I prefer to not have them know everything about my life. My desire may be futile.
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I would support the addition of a Search feature in Bill Reminders; I have about 210 reminders; either annual; quarterly or monthly as a typical. These are repeating events such as insurance, subscriptions, monthly bills etc. it would be very very useful to be able to search or filter to find a specific reminder.
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Have you tried using the traditional view in Tools / Manage Bill & Income Reminders?
This view can be sorted by name or due date and rapidly scrolls thru the list. Sorry, no name search capability.A name search feature in the Bills & Income Tab would be a welcome addition.
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yes. I use the 4 different view options for various views. I find that I use Stack view mainly then the Name view. But name view is a slow scroll with a noticeable lag. Being able to search or filter by a key word would be very beneficial. For instance it would help to be able to group by a key word in order to correct payee names to be consistent with naming nomenclature. I.E. I have been known to say like Insurance - State Farm & simply State Farm. So scrolling to “S” would mean skipping the first one and then I would simply have to hunt and peck to find the missing reminder.
Like each register has a search field and even the “all transactions” view has a search field. Don’t see why there is a pushback on adding similar search field in the Bill Reminder view. Seems logical progression to me for improvement.
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I think the reason this Idea has not received many votes - 5 in 2 months - is that most people do not have so many Reminders that it is hard to find the right one. I have about 50 for example, so I think there are more pressing issues for Quicken's limited development resources to work on.
I only use Reminders for financial transactions, not for the types of events that @tired techie describes. As I said earlier, I think there are better applications for those to-do list types of reminders.
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