Phantom Charges
When Quicken downloaded my husband's Amex bill (for August and September), it added several phantom charges — these are debits that range in size from $5.1 to $223.40; there are also a few credits — like $2.83 or similar. All have the same vendor — Eb Cape May Science Museum. But none of these charges show up on the Amex bill. Either the amounts or the vendor.
Something similar happened with my Amex bill last month — Quicken downloaded numerous charges from this Eb Cape May Science Museum. It turned out, when I called Quicken support, that the latter was a naming error. What got coded as the Science Museum was actually a legitimate charge, but from our travel agent. With the help of the phone support, I was able to change the coding (tho I cannot recall how we did it).
But these other charges — the one's on my husband's account — I can find no explanation for. Just FYI, in August, we did go to the Science Museum in Cape May (NJ), and I purchased a few things on mty Bank of America debit card. But there should be no connection between the two. Any ideas?? Thanks!! CG
When you do TOOLS, Account List, what shows in the "Transaction Download" column across from his Amex acct?
Also, what shows as the Financial Institution for that acct? If the FI column isn't showing, it can be added via the OPTIONS button at the bottom of the dialog. And when you click EDIT adjacent to the acct, does the "Account Number" field look right?
How long have you been downloading into these accts?
And, have you looked at your Renaming Rules re: the "Science Museum" or the Travel agent?
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