Best location for saving Quicken Mac Files (not Backup)

TOY972 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

Using Quicken Classic Deluxe Version 7.9.1 on Macbook pro using macOS 14.6.1.

I'm looking for advice on the best location to save a working quicken file. Should it be saved on:

  1. my hard drive in an easy to find folder location such as McIntosh HD > Users > User Name; or,
  2. in the Library Folder > Quicken > Documents?

(I learned the hard way not to save the working file in Drop box or iCloud.)



  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    It really doesn't matter, except for personal choice, where you put your active data file(s) on your local hard drive, as long as they are not in the Desktop or documents folders if your macOS is set to store those locations on iCloud.

    Quicken's default location is fine for most people, because most people don't need to access the actual data file very often. And when they do, clicking the "Q" icon in the upper right corner of the Quicken main screen can produce a Finder window of the folder where the file is located. This makes it easy to manually copy or make a compressed (.zip) copy. However, should you need to grab the file from a Time Machine backup, it can be a little tricky to navigate to, and if you use an online backup service (such as iDrive), you need to insure that this location is actually being backed up.

    So some people would like to be able to navigate to the file location more easily. My suggestion is to create a Quicken folder inside your home User folder (e.g. along with Desktop, Documents, Movies, Music, Pictures, etc.). This makes it easy to get to, and away from other file clutter.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993