Citibank card downloads with incorrect Payee?

melissab Quicken Windows Subscription Member

In the past week, I've noticed my downloads will sometimes have a number or characters, rather than payee detail. When I log into Citibank, I can see the payee information without problem. For instance, my most recent download has 14 pending transactions, 5 of which are payees:






Anyone else having this issue with some transactions … any advice?


  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    Looks like there are others with the issue and Quicken is aware. See this thread for a way to get alerted to a resolution and for a potential workaround.

    NEW Problem as of R59.35 - Incorrect Payees — Quicken

  • jenacass
    jenacass Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    For me, it's every transaction for a grocery, tolltag, cvs, or restaurant gets renamed to a single payee "Royal China". It's happened on 2 of my credit cards over 4 months of entries. I verified that this is NOT coming from a memorized transaction.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭


    Go to Tools > Renaming rules and see if there is a rule for Royal China that is causing this.

    If so, please let us know what the rule is, as an example for others.

    QWin Premier subscription