Rename and Quick Fill Rules Should Include an Account Filter

AGGSpeaker Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

I frequently have renaming rules or quick fill rules that break because they are 100% contextual. Example: We use one CC for business only, and another for personal expenses. However, items bought with the business CC on Amazon are always "Office Expenses", a business category expense and associated w/ a tax line item. Personal expenses on our personal CC have completely different categories. Today, Quicken views them all as "Amazon" and attempts to auto-categorize ALL of them as "Shopping". Now I have a data entry time-suck.

If I know 100% of the "Amazon" purchases within Account #1 are business related, I should be able to rename and quick fill them based on that context. If they are within "Account #2", the rule would behave differently. I would include a default of "Use this filter on All Accounts" and then "Use this filter on selected accounts".

Similar example: We own our own small biz and have frequent business travel. All the hotels, air fare, tolls and taxis, restaurants, filling up gas tank at Exxon on the way to a client, etc. are always on the business CC. I'm unable to tell Quicken that all the expenses on that one card are always categorized as business travel expenses, get these tags, etc, vs. filling up my truck on Saturday at Exxon on personal CC is the standard "Cars: Gas & Fuel".

p.s unrelated: Forced to select a new idea category that does not list my product "Quicken for Mac Business & Personal" so I chose Windows since it's applicable to all platforms.

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