Downloading institution Transactions directly to Quicken Classic (Mac)

Recently I attempted to download transactions from an existing bank account to my Desktop version of Quicken (Mac). I downloaded the Web Connect .qfx file only to find a Message indicating…
Message: Cloud account not found. Quicken cannot find a corresponding cloud account. Click “set up a new cloud account” to resolve this issue. You should reconnect your bank accounts if necessary after setup is complete.
Comment: I have no desire to set up an Cloud account to manage my finances on the internet via an cloud/ iCloud account (nor access Quicken via the phone app, or through a Quicken web account). It's bad enough that I receive periodic notices that my user name/ password of selected company web accounts have been compromised (by hackers), with offerings for monitoring for only 2 years.
Question: Can such transactions be downloaded directly to Quicken for Mac, without setting up a cloud account? Or am I missing something (from a long time Quicken user)
Comment: Based on this Message, it would appear that Quicken is moving the application away from Desktop installation to a Web Based product🤨.
Best Answer
The cloud account they're talking about here isn't trying to move you to a cloud-based product. While Quicken does offer one - Quicken Simplifi - there's no way to migrate your Quicken desktop data to it. And if you don't turn on Cloud Sync it doesn't upload your Quicken accounts to the cloud at all AFAIK; I think without Cloud Sync it's primarily used for tracking bill pay and e-bills if you have any. I'm not sure how you managed to not have a cloud account for your Quicken file - when I create a new Quicken file it creates the corresponding cloud account automatically.
The cloud account they're talking about here isn't trying to move you to a cloud-based product. While Quicken does offer one - Quicken Simplifi - there's no way to migrate your Quicken desktop data to it. And if you don't turn on Cloud Sync it doesn't upload your Quicken accounts to the cloud at all AFAIK; I think without Cloud Sync it's primarily used for tracking bill pay and e-bills if you have any. I'm not sure how you managed to not have a cloud account for your Quicken file - when I create a new Quicken file it creates the corresponding cloud account automatically.
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As @Jon said, there is no movement from the desktop Quicken Classic to a cloud-based product. They already have a separate cloud-based product: Quicken Simplifi. But Quicken Classic on the desktop is still going strong, and they continue to invest in developing new features, especially for Quicken Mac.
Every Quicken Mac (or Windows) data file has an associated Quicken Cloud account; there's no way to avoid that. If you have Sync turned on, it will include a subset of your data and financial institution connectivity credentials. But if you have Sync turned off — as I do — there is still a Quicken Cloud account which has some identification information to relate the file to your Quicken ID for some functions which take place in the cloud, such as reporting an issue with Help > Report a Problem. Such a cloud account does not have any of your transactions or login credentials (unless you had at one point had Sync turned on).
Go to Quicken Settings > Mobile, Web & Alerts and make sure Sync is set to Off. Then go to Settings > Connected Services and click the Reset button under Cloud Account. This assures you have a fresh, new Quicken Cloud account with no old data. You should now be able to import your .qfx file.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I appreciate the feedback, although I did find that my entire base Quicken File(s) were available "on line" and available via a web based Quicken product. This may have been an error on my part when I logged into my web based Quicken support account, and found my home accounts online (unintentionally). This may have been a view of Simplifi (that I have never seen), but my full Quicken accounts were apparently uploaded to a iCloud (or other Quicken online) account, of which I would never take such action.
I immediately contacted Quicken Customer Support, who confirmed that my quicken base files were indeed uploaded, and I spent the next 30 minutes copying and overwriting web based files, with Customer Support. This was unexpected, and an unknown experience for a long term Quicken advocate. The above comment was related to re establishing online updates to the Quicken files residing on my Mac.
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@SkFalcon I'm sorry that I'm having trouble understanding the terminology you've used in this post, and I'm not clear if you've been able to resolve your original problem or not.
I did find that my entire base Quicken File(s) were available "on line" and available via a web based Quicken product.
As I attempted to explain above, every Quicken desktop file has an associated account (file) on Quicken's cloud server. If the desktop file setting for online Sync is turned on (in Settings > Mobile, Web & Alerts), then this online file syncs transactions data between your desktop file and the cloud file. This cloud file can be accessed via Quicken's mobile app and Quicken's web browser login ("Quicken on the Web"). This cloud data is not a complete replication of your desktop data unless you've been using Quicken for a relatively short time and you have only basic banking and investment accounts. Alternatively, if you turn Sync Off, and you create a new cloud file (clicking Reset in Settings > Connected Services), then you still have a cloud file associated with your desktop file, but it does not contain any of your transactions, and is only used for certain online functions (such as Report a Problem).
Importantly, if you lose your desktop Quicken data file, there is no way to re-create it using the data stored in a Quicken cloud file. It seems like you should be able to do this, but Quicken provides no path to do so. That's why they are careful to note that the Quicken cloud file is not an online backup of your data.
This may have been a view of Simplifi (that I have never seen), but my full Quicken accounts were apparently uploaded to a iCloud (or other Quicken online) account, of which I would never take such action.
No, it's no Simplifi; that's an entirely separate product, and there is no way to move data between Simplifi and Quicken Classic.
iCloud is an Apple service for cloud storage. It has nothing to do with Quicken's cloud.
Quicken Cloud is what I describe above. If you had data visible in Quicken on the Web, then you did indeed enable Quicken to Sync between desktop and cloud, even if you weren't aware of it. When you create a new Quicken data file, it asks if you want to enable cloud syncing; you may have enabled it at that time and not been aware what it was doing.
I immediately contacted Quicken Customer Support, who confirmed that my quicken base files were indeed uploaded, and I spent the next 30 minutes copying and overwriting web based files, with Customer Support. This was unexpected, and an unknown experience for a long term Quicken advocate.
I unfortunately don't follow what you're saying here. In Settings > Connected Services, you can click See All Cloud Accounts to see what accounts (files) are associated with your QuickenID. You can delete any of these accounts if you no longer need them. If you accidentally delete the Cloud account associate with your current Quicken desktop file, you can get the "Cloud account not found" message you initially reported in your first post above. Clicking Reset will create a new cloud account; if Sync is turned on, it will begin copying your most recent transactions from your desktop file to populate this new cloud account; if Sync is off, it won't. (For whatever it's worth, none of this functionality is anything new.)
I hope some of those explanations help fill in details or explanations which help. I'm not sure if you're still seeking help with a problem or if you're successfully back in operation at this point.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I am fully back fully in operation. File Management in support of using the Quicken product is a bit unclear, as I expected all related financial files to reside on my desktop, except of course those files necessary to support periodic WebConnect updates. As originally noted, I have zero interest in Quicken on the Web, or the Quicken Mobile App. To make these work, access to an updated Quicken Web file would likely be required. I guess I will need to research and pay a little closer attention to some of these functions, and understand them (including file sharing)