Make a Payment in a Credit Card Acct using Online Statement Balance Method
I am considering using the download transactions method for my CitiBank credit card. I've successfully got that set up and when I go to Reconcile the account, Quicken offers two options: Use Paper Statement Method or Online Balance Method. If I use Paper Statement method, I can complete the reconciliation, etc. and at the end, Quicken asks if I want to write a check for the balance. With the Online Balance Method, I am not getting the option to write a check for the payment due. How should I record the payment from my checking account?
Over in the checking Account simply enter the date of the transaction, (due date, some earlier date, event, even "today", depending on what you want to do), the Payee and the Amount of the check. In the Category box you enter the name of the credit card Account in Quicken, surrounded by square brackets, e.g., [B of A Credit Card]. That makes the offsetting entry in the credit card Account, i.e., a reduction of your liability, in the same amount as the reduction in the checking Account.