Is the data file format identical for all 3 versions of Quicken?

thealchemist Quicken Windows Subscription Member

If I start building a data file with Quicken Simplifi and I decide later to upgrade to Quicken Classic Deluxe or Premier, will the Simplifi data file be readable by the other two versions? What if I start with Premier or Deluxe and decide later that I would rather use Simplifi, will the data file be compatible?

Best Answers

  • nmestanas
    nmestanas Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Here's an older thread with recent comments about this. It may shed some light on the Simplifi/Quicken "conversion" until someone from Quicken can reply.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Changing between the different levels of Quicken Classic "editions" like Deluxe, Premier, Business & Personal is easy to do because they are in fact that same data file with different features turned on or off. But that is about it, Quicken Classic Mac and Quicken Classic Windows have different data formats, and even though there is a conversion between them it is far from 100%. Quicken Classic Mac US and Canadian are the same data format and it is trivial to switch between them. Quicken Windows US and Canadian use the same data format, and in general I have heard people switching between the two, but there might be some things that give problems, it isn't done very often.

    Simplifi is a completely different program and doesn't even have a Desktop component.

    Also, don't get confused about Quicken Classic Mobile/Web Apps, these are Apps that sync with the Quicken Classic Desktop data file, and only contain a partial copy of what is in the Quicken Classic Desktop data file.

    This is my website:


  • nmestanas
    nmestanas Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Here's an older thread with recent comments about this. It may shed some light on the Simplifi/Quicken "conversion" until someone from Quicken can reply.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Changing between the different levels of Quicken Classic "editions" like Deluxe, Premier, Business & Personal is easy to do because they are in fact that same data file with different features turned on or off. But that is about it, Quicken Classic Mac and Quicken Classic Windows have different data formats, and even though there is a conversion between them it is far from 100%. Quicken Classic Mac US and Canadian are the same data format and it is trivial to switch between them. Quicken Windows US and Canadian use the same data format, and in general I have heard people switching between the two, but there might be some things that give problems, it isn't done very often.

    Simplifi is a completely different program and doesn't even have a Desktop component.

    Also, don't get confused about Quicken Classic Mobile/Web Apps, these are Apps that sync with the Quicken Classic Desktop data file, and only contain a partial copy of what is in the Quicken Classic Desktop data file.

    This is my website:
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